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The Digital Rights Observatory is born

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The University will be part of the Digital Rights Observatory, an initiative that involves a total of 177 entities and more than 300 specialists, with the aim of protecting, disseminating, raising awareness and sensitizing about rights in the digital environment. The project is the result of an agreement signed between the public entity and the participating entities, coordinated by the Hermes Foundation for Digital Citizenship Rights.

The institution will participate in the largest digital rights project in Spain with various lines of research in Portugal, Belgium, Greece, Sweden, Turkey, Israel, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Ecuador, Australia, Japan, China, India, and also the United Nations. It will also analyze the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, as well as the documents of the European Data Protection Committee and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

All these lines will be coordinated from the area of Administrative Law, led by Professor José Luis Piñar, one of the experts in charge of drafting the Charter of Digital Rights, the origin of this Observatory, which was approved in 2021 to protect the rights of minors and vulnerable groups in the digital environment; guarantee equal access for people with low digital skills; close digital gaps; safeguard privacy and security; protect freedom of expression and the right to information; and study the social and ethical impact of technology.

Among the entities that have committed to this initiative are some public and private universities, such as the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Comillas, Universidad de Navarra, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Universitat de València and Universidad Católica del Uruguay.

Also participating are; the Hermes Foundation; the Observatory of the European Association for Digital Transition; the Observatory of the Social and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence (OdiseIA); the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI); the Telefónica Foundation; the La Caixa Foundation; the Foundation for Sustainable Repopulation; the Hiberus Foundation; and the Hay Derecho Foundation, among others.


Palabras clave Observatory Digital Rights Security Research