Programa UCLA University
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
Programme CEU-UCLA Extension | Film & TV Development


Conditions d'admission

Le candidat doit :

  • Réussir les examens d'entrée à l'université
  • Avoir un bon dossier scolaire et montrer une motivation suffisante pour participer au programme.
  • Avoir un entretien en anglais avec le coordinateur du programme.
  • Avoir un bon niveau d'anglais (C1) et présenter un certificat officiel de compétence : TOEFL : 80 (IBT)/ IELTS : 6,5/ ITEP : 4,5/ CAMBRIDGE C1 (ADVANCED) (QUALIFICATION MINIMALE B/ CAMBRIDGE C2 (PROFICIENCY) (QUALIFICATION : C) / TOEIC : 685/ DUOLINGO : 10
  • Accepter les règles pour rester dans le programme

Conditions financières du programme

Programme advantages: 

The programme includes a number of advantages and support elements for the student:

  • Simplified admission process to the partner university as a CEU student.
  • Compulsory UCLA medical insurance for the duration of the stay in the U.S.
  • TOEFL ITP exam preparation course and two ITP exams
  • Assistance from programme coordinators at USPCEU and UCLA Extension
  • Recognition of UCLA course credits for CEU subjects
  • Academic preparation and counselling, before and during mobility
  • Issuance of grade reports and programme diplomas
  • Discount on official CEU fees while on the programme

The student of the programme has special economic conditions, enjoying a discount on CEU fees during the academic year of mobility (the student continues to pay CEU academic fees by virtue of the university place he/she occupies) and a reduced price on the official fees of the partner university.

Price of the programme for promotion 2025-26: 23.150 €

PROMOTION 2025-2026
1st year  3.200 €
2nd year  3.200 €
3rd year  3.200 €
4th year 13.550 €
Total 23.150 €

The university may award scholarships to students with the best academic records to help them pay for part of the programme. The scholarships will in no case cover the full amount. The university reserves the right to leave scholarships vacant.

Plus d'informations sur le programme :

Coordinatrice CEU Global Campus

Mme. Laura Liberatore Sánchez

Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 15105

Technicien en relations internationales et coordination administrative - Mobilité internationale

Mme Verónica Matilla Julián

Vice-rectorat de l'internationalisation Tel: (+34) 915 14 01 05 Ext. 14653