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Research Centres and Institutes

Real Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos

Presidente del Real Instituto de Estudios Europeos

D. Jaime Mayor Oreja

Director of The University Institute of European Studies

Dr. José María Beneyto Pérez

Deputy Director

Ms. Alvaro de Silva de Soto

CPCR coordinator

Mr. Jerónimo Maíllo González Orús

  • EU constitutional and institutional development.
  • European culture identity.
  • Competition and regulations in the internal market.
  • Justice and Home Affairs.
  • EU international relations.
  • European economy.
  • International law and politics.

Institute for The Study of Democracy

The Institute for The Study of Democracy (Instituto de Estudios de la Democracia, IED) is a multidisciplinar research and graduate studies centre attached to Universidad CEU San Pablo. Its activity focuses on the promotion of research projects and estudies about political thinking, democracy, economy and Rule of Law.


Mr. José Manuel Otero Novas

Main Researchers
  • Mr. José Manuel Otero Novas
  • Dr. Mr. Pablo González-Pola
  • Dr. Mr. Dalmacio Negro Pavón
  • Dr. Mr. Gabriel Galdón López
  • Dr. Mr. Fernando Nistal González
  • Dr. Ms. Ainhoa Uribe Otalora
  • Dr. Ms. María Blanco González
  • Dr. Ms. Mª Jesús Lago Ávila
  • Political Club (Aula Política)
    Director: Mr. José Manuel Otero Novas.

  • Political Economy and Regulation (Economía Política y Regulación)
    Director: Mr. Javier Morillas Gómez.

  • Observatory for Religious Information Studies (Observatorio de Estudios de Información Religiosa)
    Director: Professor Mr. Gabriel Galdón López.

  • Spanish Democratic Transition Studies (Estudios de la Transición Democrática Española)
    Directora: Dr. Ms. Mª Jesús Lago Ávila.

  • Alexis de Tocqueville Chair
    Director: Professor Mr. Dalmacio Negro Pavón.
  • Spanish democracy and Spanish system of Autonomous Communities.
  • Evolution of the Spanish economy. Democracy and active ageing.
  • Political thinking.

Institute for Family Studies

CEU Institute for Family Studies (Instituto CEU de Estudios de la Familia) is a research and teaching centre of basic sciences and science applied to marriage and family. Its main purpose is to carry out studies about the family institutions, as well as disseminate, help and enhance different aspects related to the family environment such as: education, the defence of family and life values, eldery people, family policy, adolescence or marital crisis. The main activities of the Institute are training activities, thematic conferences, training in affective-sexual education and experts in the care of people with Alzheimer's disease, awards in defense of life and motherhood (CEU por la Vida and Bárbara Castro), research projects, doctoral theses and family therapy.

The Institute has its origins in 2004. It was proposed and promoted by our dear Alfonso Coronel de Palma, who now rests in the Father's house. He was the President of the Catholic Association of Propagandists (Asociación Católica de Propagandistas, ACdP) and Universidad San Pablo CEU Foundation, an autonomous and training institution, at the service of culture and in defence of the family. Remembering him is moving and he is well deserving of a tribute.


Ms. Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña Cantero

Academic Secretary

Ms. Carmen Sánchez Maíllo

Vicesecretario Académico

Dr. Miguel Ángel de Santiago Mateos

  • Education and Family.
  • CEU Gerontology.
  • Gender Ideology and Family.
  • Family and Media.
  • Centre for Children's studies.

Ángel Ayala Institute for Humanities

Ángel Ayala Institute for Humanities (Instituto de Humanidades CEU Ángel Ayala) is an institute of Universidad San Pablo CEU Foundation intended for the elaboration and dissemination of the humanistic thinking, in full fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church. It aims to be a point of reference for Spanish culture and a place to meet, dialogue and for intellectual exchange for those seeking the truth. It develops its activities mainly in the broad field of humanities, and specially in the areas of Historu, Art, Philosophy and Thought, Literaturem Social Doctrine of the Church and in the humanistic aspects of Natural Sciences.

Metabolomics and Bioanalysis Excellence Centre (CEMBIO)

CEMBIO was created in response to the emerging need to increase the information that may be obtained from biological samples, in the search for the most exhaustive characterisation possible to identify the altered processes and associated markers in different pathologies, as well as the evolution of the system in response to a treatment.


Dr. Ms. Coral Barbas Arribas

Lead researcher

Dr. Ms. Coral Barbas Arribas

  • Differential analysis of metabolic profiles (metabolomics).
  • Identification of diagnostic markers and study of the metabolic pathways involved.
  • Study of the mechanisms associated with the development of a pathology, the effect of a drug, a diet, etc.
  • Development, validation and application of chromatographic methods for the analysis of substances of biological and pharmaceutical interest.

Institute for Applied Molecular Medicine (IMMA)

IMMA is a centre for the development of specialised research, teaching and technology transfer activities attached to the School of Medicine. It has 350 m2 of laboratories, equipped with sophisticated equipment that allows the implementation of numerous experimental strategies. All the equipment is maintained and tuned by IMMA's technical staff so that it is functional for all our University researchers.

IMMA has specialised laboratories in the areas of histology, cell culture and molecular biology, with the support of technical specialists in the different areas.

Director of the Institute of Applied Molecular Medicine

Dr. María Escribese Alonso

Laboratories Manager

Dr. Ms. Paloma Fernández Martínez

Technical Staff

Histology Laboratory

Ms. Virginia García García

Histology Laboratory

Mr. Javier Moratinos Delgado

Cell Culture Laboratory

Ms. Irene Gutierrez Rojas

Molecular Biology Laboratory

Mr. Ricardo Arroyo Solera

Molecular Biology Laboratory

Mr. Luis Senador Zaldívar Martínez

Bone Metabolism
  • Osteoporosis
    Dr. Ms. Arancha Rodríguez de Gortázar and Dr. Mr. Juan Antonio Ardura Rodríguez
  • Bone metastasis
    Dr. Ms. Verónica Alonso Rodríguez
  • Cellular Senescence in Bone and diabetes
    Dr. Mr. Sergio Portal Nuñez
  • Arthrosis 
    Dr. Mr. Francisco Forriol Campos and Dr. Ms. Beatriz Bravo Molina
  • Oncology Innovation Laboratory
    Dr. Mr. García-Donas and Dr. Ms. Paloma Navarro Alcaráz
  • Cellular Neurophysiology Laboratory 
    Dr. Mr. Josue García Yagüe and Dr. Ms. Hortensia Torres Torrelo
  • Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection 
    Dr. José Luis Lavandera
  • Multiple Sclerosis immune response 
    Dr. Ms. María Cruz Sabada and Dr. Ms. Úrsula Muñoz Morón
  • Microbiota and allergy 
    Dr. Ms. Marina Pérez Gordo
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with severe asthma
    Dr. Ms. María M Escribese
  • Biomarkers in allergic inflammation
    Dr. Mr. Domingo Barber Hernández
  • Innate Immunity
    Dr. Mr. Estanislao Nistal Villán
  • Respiratory viruses 
    Dr. Mr. Estanislao Nistal Villán





  • Attune NxT Cytometer
  • Standard and real-time thermal cyclers  (HT7900 with 384-well plate and BioRad GFX for 96-well plate)
  • Aperio Versa Scaner (Leica) with which visible and fluoresce scanning is possible 
  • DM5500 Microscope (Leica) for visible and fluorescence
  • Varioskan (multiplex to massively screen compounds, typically cytokines, or candidate)
  • Luminex (multiplex para evaluar de manera masiva compuestos, normalmente citoquinas, o candidatos).
  • Seahorse (measurement of different metabolic parameters in cells)

In addition, the IMMA facilities house the Confocal Microscopy SAI, whose Professors are: Juan Antonio Ardura ([email protected]) and Gonzalo León ([email protected]).

Institute for Historical Studies

CEU Institute for Historical Studies, a meeting point for historians and history enthusiasts with a concern for the search for truth, offers a view of our past as the result of human's freedom to construct his history. It also promotes innovative teaching projects and activities that count on the active participation of teachers and students from Universidad CEU San Pablo School of Humanities and Communication Sciences:

Lead researcher

Dr. Mr. Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza y Gómez de Valugera


Director of the Department of Humanities

Dr. Luis Eugenio Togores Sánchez


Dr. Mr. Eduardo De Mesa

Contact information

  • Spanish contemporary history.
  • Spanish Civil War.
  • Spanish militar history.
  • Religious persecution in the contemporary world.
  • Translation of classical texts of history. 
  • Dissemination of the research through audiovisual media.

Institute for the Study of Addiction

The Institute for the Study of Addiction (IEA-CEU) applies an interdisciplinary approach to the research about addictive behaviour with the dual aim of making progress in prevention (education) and treatment (rehabilitation-reintegration). The IEA-CEU thus brings together the different aspects involved in addictions: anthropological, historical, sociological, legal, educational, biological, psychological, medical, etc. This holistic, transversal and humanistic approach to the problem of addictions aims to constitute an action strategy that goes beyond partial and isolated actions, thus favouring the achievement of approaches as innovative and effective as those demanded by society.


Mr. Luis Fernando Alguacil Merino


Mr. Antonio Piñas Mesa

Contact information
  • Neurobiology of alcohol dependence.
  • Preclinical development of drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence.
  • Alcohol- and other drug-induced neurotoxicity: Contribution of the immune response.
  • Biological markers of addictive vulnerability.
  • Addictive properties of food.
  • Behavioural addictions: explanatory models and predisposing variables.
  • Values and strengths and their relationship with the use/abuse of social media.
  • Interdisciplinary research on addictions.
  • Spanish Patients' Forum (Foro Español de Pacientes)
    José Luis Baquero Úbeda 
  • School of Medicine, Universidad CEU San Pablo
    Tomás Chivato Pérez
  • Pasión por el Hombre – Bocatas Association (Asociación Pasión por el Hombre – Bocatas)
    Jesús de Alba Muñoz
  • CEU Institute for Family Studies (Instituto CEU de Estudios de la Familia)
    Carmen Fernández de la Cigoña
  • CEU Ángel Ayala Institute for Humanities (Instituto CEU de Humanidades Ángel Ayala)
    Juan Ignacio Grande Aranda
  • Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja Española)
    Juan Jesús Hernández González-Nicolas
  • Neuropharmacology of Addictions and Degenerative Disorders Group (Grupo de Neurofarmacología de las Adicciones y los Trastornos Degenerativos, NEUROFAN), Universidad CEU San Pablo
    Gonzalo Herradón Gil-Gallardo
  • Spanish Federation of Rehabilitated Gamblers (Federación Española de Jugadores de Azar Rehabilitados)
    Juan José Lamas Alonso
  • Foundation for Help Against Drug Addiction (Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción)
    Beatriz Martín Padura
  • Technical Unit for the Prevention of Addictions (Unidad Técnica de Prevención de Adicciones). D.G.Salud Pública-Consejeria de Sanidad, Comunidad de Madrid
    Amparo Miranda Viñuelas
  • Madrid Salud. Ayuntamiento de Madrid
    José Javier Moreno Arnedillo 
  • Mental Health and Addictions Coordination Office (Oficina de Coordinación en Salud Mental y Adicciones). Comunidad de Madrid
    Mercedes Navio Acosta
  • Psychology and Pedagogy Department, Universidad CEU San Pablo
    Pedro Luis Nieto del Rincón
  • School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU San Pablo
    Beatriz de Pascual Teresa
  • Addictive Disorders Networks (Red de Trastornos Adictivos), Instituto de Salud Carlos III
    Fernando Rodríguez de Fonseca
  • CES Proyecto Hombre, Madrid
    Mercedes Rodríguez