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The research effort constitute one of the prioprities of Universidad CEU San Pablo's academic life


75 active projects funded externally, with a total sum of 8 030 045 euros.


169 Professors favourably evaluated by the CNEAI (Spanish National Commission for Research Evaluation), who have been recognised for a total of 243 research periods.


32 Research Staff Training grants with internal and external funding.


The Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Research responds to our University's open vocation to be a renowned institution not only in the academic field but also in the research scope. We want Universidad CEU San Pablo to be strongly rooted  to the permanent training culture of its faculty and their improvement in teaching. In the same way, it seeks to develop excellent research practices, both basic and applied, to achieve a better society for us and future generations. All of this based on the original values that Universidad CEU San Pablo has always promoted, defended and applied; fulfilling its calling, as a work of the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (a Spanish Catholic association which focuses on preaching and spreading the Catholic faith).

This Vice-Rectorate works on the integral management of the faculty with the purpose of looking after both of the main aspects of a university teacher: academic training and research. We are deeply convinced that good teachers are poles of attraction for talented and demanding students. Also, high-profile students are a magnificent filter for finding the best lecturers. We understand that this virtuous cycle must be the engine that moves the University towards its highest quality. Our teaching community is thoroughly commited in the dual calling of the university Professor: the training of our students in a critical learning environment and the passion for discovery, innovation and creation.

In this context, we focus on training needs in order to improve our faculty. In this regard, both technical aspects and teaching tools and languages are essential. In the same way, the correct integration of our Professors in well-organised and led structures (Schools and Institutes, Departments, Units and Areas) which enhances the developing of staff meetings, is also a top priority for our University.

In this joint purpose to carry out a common work, Universidad CEU San Pablo, despite its youth, takes on the research as an essential goal of their Professors' work. In order to carry out this goal, it has excellent researchers and infraestructures that allow them to work at a high level of quality. This support in scientific research and in the training of future researchers have constituted the driving force that has allowed the establishment of CEU International School of Doctoral Studies (CEINDO). This School consists of three CEU Universities and offers official doctoral programmes which are already being taught. Professors and researchers from the three united Universities take part in them.

We have a consolidated prominent structure of Research Institutions as the core of our research activity. In the same way, our University has top-level Research Centres such as the Metabolomics and Bioanalysis Excellence Centre (CEMBIO) and the Institute for Applied Molecular Medicine (IMMA). They welcome researchers from all over the world who choose our University to carry out research stays, strengthening our international vocation. Also, the Vice-Rectorate supports a number of Research Groups and additional teaching fostered by external entities.

In order to support this teaching integral view, the Vice-Rectorate has been carrying out internal policies to support research activities for years. They are organised in a number of calls such as pre and postdoctoral scholarships, faculty reseach mobility grants, evaluation management of our teaching staff's research activity by the Spanish National Commission for Research Evaluation (CNEAI) and other internal grants for projects and research groups. These initiatives are supported by our own resources as well as Santander Bank's sponsorship.

In conclusion, we are utterly convinced that the University's essence is the creation of knowledge through research and its dissemination. Knowledged delivered to our students -through teaching practices- and to society. Therefore, research and academic training are inseparable, consubstanciable to our University's mission and the focal point of this Vice-Rectorate.

Agustín Provanza Lobo

Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research

Dr. Agustín Probanza Lobo

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14928

Doctoral Studies

Universidad CEU San Pablo gives special importance to Doctoral Studies Programmes carried out in the different University research centres, schools and institutes.

Doctoral Studies are the third stage in the offcial university studies and they allow to obtain the required competences and skills for a quality scientific research. They reach their highest point with the award of a PhD Official Certificate, the highest academic degree. It has official capacity and it is valid throughout the national territory.

Doctoral Studies programmes entail both transversal and specific training in the field of each programme, although research is the essential activity of doctoral students. 

More information:

Research Units

 Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI)

Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI) is the Vice-Rectorate for Research unit. It aims to encourage and manage the relationship between the University and the business world in the research and technological innovation fields. It collaborates tightly with the Research Management Unit (UGI, Unidad de Gestión de la Investigación).

OTRI was founded in 1996 and it is attached to the Spanish University Research Results Transfer Office Network (RedOTRI, Red de Oficinas de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación de las Universidades Españolas). It was established on 17 March 1997 by the Conference of Spanish Universities Rectors General Assembly (Asamblea General de la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas, CRUE). It aims to boost and promote the orientation of I+D university activities towards convergence and complementarity with the technological interests of the social and economic environment. All this, while valuing and disseminating the role of universities as essential elements within the National Innovation System.

It aims to:

  • Foster the relationship between University and the business world, encouraging the transfer of University and its research groups' scientific and technical offer to the productive sector.
  • Provide help and support University community researchers in the scientific and technological fields. 
  • Encourage the involvement of researchers in R&D projects. 
  • Develop databases with information on groups, research lines and projects, infraestructures and R&D offer, as well as technological offer and research report catalogues.
  • Advise researchers on the formulation of research contracts, R&D project proposals and drafting and obtaining patents nationally and internationally.
  • Identify the results obtained by the research groups and ease their transfer to companies. 

Technical Area. OTRI

Ms. Aurora Olmo Castillo

Tel: 91 372 64 02

Ms. Mamen Alba Asensio

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14616

Mr. A. Ramón Jiménez López

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14928

Research Management Unit

The Research Management Unit (Unidad de Gestión de la Investigación, UGI) is a Vice-Rectorate for Research unit which focuses on carrying out the economic management of the research projects. It works in close collaboration with the Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI). Currently, we manage 145 internal and external research projects and we aim to be a modern and agile unit focused on solving the problems that may arise in relation to the economic management of the projects.

UGI was created in 2007 and it is part of the Spanish University Research Management Units Network (Red de Unidades de Gestión de la Investigación de las Universidades Españolas, RedUGI). It was constituted on 9 May 2006 with the purpose of enhancing the development and professionalisation of UGIs as specialised research management units, as well as to encourage the establishment of quality systems in research management.

Its aims are the following:

  • Management and justification of research projects and agreements as well as of scholarships and grants of public and private nature.
  • Establishment of information systems that allow a transparent and rigorous management of the research projects.
  • Advise researchers on the economic implementation of the projects' budgets.

Research Management Unit

Mr. Francisco Javier Cobos García

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14802

Ms. Silvia Cano García

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14966

Ms. Paloma Craviotto Márquez

Tel: 91 372 47 31 Ext. 14731

Dª Olga Sesmero Medina

Tel: 913724700 Ext. 14864

International Projects Office

The International Research Projects Office (Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales de Investigación, OPII) is a Vice-Rectorate for Faculty and Research unit that aims to support researchers of our University in the management and fulfilment of research projects through international calls, such as the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HEU).

We are available to those international Research Groups who wish to collaborate with our University, as well as to individual researchers who are interested in carrying out a research stay in any of our centres.

OPII has four main courses of action:

I. Awareness Actions

  • Targeted dissemination of Horizon Europe Programme Calls and other calls of international organisations (public and private entities).
  • University researchers encouragement to take part as expert evaluators in European Projects.

II. Support in the participation of projects

  • Partner search and dissemination of University groups' abilities in order to take part in projects (expressions of interest management, brokerake events representation, etc.)
  • Creation of their own guidelines for proposal writing and review of reports prior to submission.
  • Advise on budget planning.

III. Support in the management of approved projects

  • Support during the signing of the grant agreement and consortium agreements.
  • Support in project management, especially regarding IPR, communication and dissemination of results. Review of technical and financial justifications.
  • Support in the recruitment of international personnel, in coordination with the corresponding Departments of the University, in order to facilitate and speed up their incorporation.

IV. Training

  • Identification and actualisation of the training offer for researchers interested in preparing proposals.
  • Organisation of specific courses related to international calls, in collaboration with the Training and Development Area.


USP OPII has obtained funding from the Spanish State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación), within the 2017-2020 Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation State Plan (Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación, PEICTI), with the approval of the "C-EUrope: Consolidation of the USP CEU Office for European Projects" projects, reference: ECT2019-000388, granted under the 2019 «Europa Redes y Gestores – Europa Centros tecnológicos» call.


International Research Projects Office

Responsible for International Research Projects Office (OPII)

Mrs. Gemma García Zato

Tel: 913 527 022

OPII Officer

Mrs. Hilina Garrido Ruiz

Tel: 91 372 47 00 Ext. 14649

Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit

The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (Unidad de Cultura Científica e Innovación, UCC+i) was created in 2019 and it is a Vice-Rectorate for Faculty and Research unit whose aim is to promote scientific, technical and innovation culture through different types of activities: scientific communication, dissemination, training, etc. in accordance with the Libro Blanco de las Unidades de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT)

It is considered a key service to improve and increase the training, culture and scientific knowledge of citizens and to bring the research work carried out at the University closer to the general population.

We are at the disposal of our University Research Groups, as well as individual researchers who are interested in developing initiatives related to communication and dissemination of activities related to Science and Technology and the results of their work.

The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) carries out three main courses of action:

I. R&D&I results dissemination

The dissemination activities of R+D+I results are those associated with the dissemination of new information in written, digital, video or audio support and associated with results produced in the University research centres. It works in coordination with the participating researchers, other research centres involved in the research work, the University Department of Internal and External Communication, Social Media, Marketing and those departments involved in the dissemination of research activities.

II. General scientific-technological dissemination

The dissemination activities of scientific-technological knowledge are those focused on disseminating information and content that is not necessarily innovative or topical but it contributes to increase the population`s knowledge about scientific and technological culture 

  • Support research staff in the elaboration, presentation and dissemination of activities in national and international dissemination initiatives such as Science Week in Madrid (Semana de la Ciencia de Madrid), European Researchers' Night or Madrid Science Fair (Feria Madrid es Ciencia).

III. Advice and training of research staff in the dissemination of science and technology. 

Advisory and training activities for Science and Technology researchers, communicators and disseminators through the organisation of specific courses related to the communication of scientific results and dissemination in the media - press, radio, television, internet and social media, in collaboration with the Training and Development Area and the University Communication Department.

Interesting links:

Unidad de Cultura Científica e Innovación (UCC+I)

Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+I)

Ms. Cristina Rodríguez Luque

Técnico de UCC+I

Dª Maria Legorburu Alcala Santaella

Tel: 91 4564200 Ext. 14239


Montepríncipe Campus
Urbanización Monteprincipe
28925 Alcorcón, Madrid


Vice-Rector for Teaching and Research

Dr. Agustín Probanza Lobo

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14928

Deputy Vice-Rector for the Research Area (Moncloa Campus)

Ms. M.ª del Carmen García Centeno

Tel: 91 514 04 04 Ext. 15454

OTRI Director

Mr. Miguel Pascual Olaguíbel

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14925

Secretariat for Technical Affairs. Research Area

Mr. A. Ramón Jiménez López

Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 14928