Sporting heights
Students on the CEU Athlete Support Programme kicked off the new academic year with a very special meeting. During the welcome ceremony, they had the…
Tips for tomorrow’s teachers
Gregorio Luri , filósofo, pedagogo y ensayista español, ha visitado la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación, donde ante un auditorio…
‘Cepsa-CEU Green Digital’ Chair is born
Cepsa and the University have created the Chair ‘Cepsa-CEU Green Digital’ , which aims to promote research and development of digitization projects…
CEU Defence and Culture Classroom is born
CEU San Pablo University and the Ministry of Defence have signed an agreement to create the CEU Defence and Culture Classroom , with the aim of…
2,400 national and international students gather for Welcome Day
Universidad CEU San Pablo kicked off the new academic year with a festive Welcome Day , aimed at the 2,400 national and international students (an…
Top 50 Degrees Ranking El Mundo | CEU San Pablo
The newspaper ' El Mundo ' has published the twenty-third edition of the Ranking de 50 carreras , the magazine supplement that analyses the Bachelor’s…
10 best Master's programmes in Spain
The newspaper El Mundo has once again published its ranking of the best 250 master's programmes in Spain , selected from over 1,000 options. This…
CEU San Pablo – Deloitte International Chair in Generative AI is launched
International interdisciplinary experts participated in the presentation of the International ENIA Chair in Responsible Generative AI, framed within…
In the Top 5 of the Forbes Ranking
In its June 2024 issue, Forbes magazine has published its Forbes University supplement, which includes the list of the ' Top 10 Private Universities…
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C/ Julián Romea, 20, Madrid, 28003