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University and KPMG join forces to promote youth employment

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CEU San Pablo University and KPMG have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of promoting and boosting youth employment. Within the university-business environment that CEU USP is fostering, the Aula KPMG-CEU has been launched, a programme that will be taught in the School of Economics and Business Studies and that combines both theoretical and hands-on learning. This, in turn, will lead to in-company work experience opportunities for students. Such a project will bring them closer to a consultancy firm increasingly focused on sustainability and the most relevant aspects of the legal, financial and business advice sectors as well as those of auditing and taxation.

The agreement was signed by the Rector, Rosa Visiedo, and the General Manager of the University, Carmen García de Elías, and KPMG’s partner of Sustainability and Good Governance, Ramón Pueyo, accompanied by the firm’s People director. Esther Fernández, and Head of Talent, Renata Dedini.

Rosa Visiedo, explained that "we want to train the people that our society needs, that the business world demands from us, people who are capable of leading change, of committing themselves to improving our world. We have an unavoidable commitment to employment, which is why we want to be close to companies, listen to them and find out what they demand from our students". In this sense, she pointed out that, "these spaces will undoubtedly help to cultivate their talent, as they will have the great opportunity to work with professionals and generate real experiences".

For her part, Esther Fernández, declared that "At KPMG we have a firm commitment to talent and, in particular, to young talent. We are committed to them finding work, but also to their training and development even before they join the firm. In the last tax year we incorporated more than 850 graduates and the prospects for this year are similar, as we want to be even closer to universities and, especially, to their students, bringing them closer to the reality of the professional world".

In this regard, KPMG's People Director stated that "this agreement with the CEU San Pablo University will allow us to provide students with tools, knowledge and experiences which will enable them to develop their professional future and contribute to their training in ESG, a key issue that is on the agenda of all companies and which has a direct impact on society. This agreement is another example of our commitment to talent and training in cutting-edge areas, bringing KPMG closer to future professionals, generating a diverse, inclusive and sustainable environment based on respect, excellence and a positive impact".

Palabras clave KPMG Employability Business Training