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Universal Inclusion and Accessibility

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Psychology, Architecture, Engineering and Communication lecturers and students have participated in the conference ‘Smart Citizen: Universal Inclusion and Accessibility’ to share experiences and teaching methods developed through working with people with intellectual disabilities in different professional fields. The conference, organised by Guadalupe Cantarero, Concepción Pérez and Federico de Isidro, who are lecturers of the degree in Architecture, considered subjects such as ‘real inclusion’ in a mixed-ability classroom; and also equality and learning of the concept ‘Universal Accessibility’ in architecture, urban planning, web browsing, easy reading and ‘Design Thinking’.

The Vice-Rector for Internationalisation at CEU USP, Ainhoa Uribe, inaugurated the conference alongside Isabel Martínez Lozano, director of ‘Universidades y Promoción de Talento FONCE’, and Carolina López Carracedo, head of ‘Programas con Universidades y Promoción del Talento Joven FONCE’. The event brought together more than 40 teaching staff from  a number of centres (Institute of Technology, School of Humanities and Communication Sciences with Master in Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate) and more than 70 students on the training Course CF-CAAU ‘Consultant in Universal Accessibility’, financed by FONCE and the Fondo Social Europeo: and  CEU San Pablo University award winner for Innovation in 2019. As a result, a COIL project with the University of Monterrey UDEM (Mexico) was launched.

The objectives of the conference are, among others, to create international synergies, establish new teaching methods and promote new collaborations with other universities also forming part of the UNIDIVERSIDAD project for people with intellectual disabilities. Experts from the Complutense University of Madrid, the Camilo Jose Cela University and the University of Monterrey UDEM (Mexico) have collaborated in the development of the above project.

The architecture round table was led by Esperanza Valle, representing one of the most important national studios, L35, with the participation of professionals from institutions including ADISLI.

Palabras clave Inclusion Universal Accessibility Psychology Architecture Engineering Communication