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The Academy of Pharmacy of Castilla y León rewards our researchers

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In the frame of the Opening Ceremony of the 2025 academic year, the Pharmacy Academy of Castilla y León has celebrated their awards ceremony in the Aula Salinas of the Historic Building of the University of Salamanca. Our university had an important presence at this event with four awards being given to CEU professors and student researchers.

The award of the Pharmacy Academy of Castilla y León has been for the work ‘The potential for carema album berry juice to offer neuroprotection

’. by Nuria Acero, Antonio Canoyra, Dolores Muñoz-Mingarro, Antonio José León and Carmen Martín Cordero. In addition, the Academy has imposed the medal and granted the title of Corresponding Academic to Nuria Acero, Professor of Plant Physiology at the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The award from the Council of Professional Colleges of Pharmacists of Castilla y León was given to Andrés Simón, Lucianna Vaccaro, Fernando Izquierdo, Rubén Agudo and Carolina Hurtado for the work ‘Stable transfection of vero E6 cells with the complete sequence of the SARS-COV-2 S protein’.

The award from the Official College of Pharmacists of Salamanca was given to Blanca Ramos, Ana María Puga and Carmen Trives for the work ‘Evaluation, from the community pharmacy, of the impact on the diabetic disease since its diagnosis’.

And finally, the Group Bidafarma award (second prize) has been for the work ‘Descriptive study of drug consumption, polypharmacy and nutritional risk in patients on periodic hemodialysis’ by Esmeralda Josa, Guillermina Barril, Graciela Álvarez-García y Mar Puerto.

Palabras clave Academy Castilla y León Pharmacy Research