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MSCA fellow, Dr. Mateusz Dasko participates in the XXVII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry in Nice

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Dr. Mateusz Dasko, Marie Sklodowska-Curie IF researcher at the University, has presented the most recent results of the use of folic acid to transport biologically active compounds in Nice. This strategy is crucial to improve the pharmacokinetic and physicochemical properties of active compounds that do not comply with Lipinski's 'rule of 5', such as the PROTACs that Mateusz is developing in the current MSCA-IF project. In this year, Dr. Mateusz Dasko has started the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Together with Prof. Beatriz de Pascual-Teresa and Dr. Irene OrtÍn Rem?n, he participates in the project entitled "Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of PROteolysis-Targeting Chimeric (PROTAC) molecules as anticancer agents, PROTACs - Project ID: 101031883", which focuses on the development of drugs with antitumor activity by selective protein degradation.

Early this September, Nice (France) was a host city of XXVII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry (ISMC) organized by the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC), which is the main European organization for the Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology areas. The EFMC is an independent association that represents 29 scientific organizations from 25 European countries with more than 9000 scientists. The biennial EFMC-ISMC is a key symposium in the Medicinal Chemistry field, and it traditionally attracts around 10000 participants, (from industry and academia. The programme of XXVII EFMC ISMC covered advances in drug discovery in major therapeutic areas, including bacterial and viral infections, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, rare diseases, and cancer.

Palabras clave Marie Curie Research Chemistry Pharmacokinetic MSCA OPII International Horizon Europe