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Undergraduate Admissions

Admission process for the degree in Medicine

Applying for a place

Our admission process is very simple.

  1. First of all, you must fill out the application form.
  2. Once you have filled out the form with your personal information, you will receive an email with your credentials to access the Prospective Students Portal (PSP), where you can check, whenever you want, the status of your application and complete the admission and enrollment process.
  3. Once you have filled out the application form with the necessary documentation (you will be asked to provide your high school grades or equivalent educational system, a letter of motivation and an identification document (ID card or passport), you will be able to choose a date and time to have your interview with one of our teachers. You will have the opportunity to make yourself known and ask any questions you may have about our university and the degree program you have chosen. The interviewer will be able to evaluate your academic achievements, your language skills, as well as your motivation to pursue the specific degree you are applying for. In addition, they will look for your strengths to ensure your success in your future university career.
  4. Once the interview report has been evaluated, you will receive a decision on your application for admission.

This is the first step - fill out the application form to start the admissions process with us.

You will be asked to provide personal and academic data as well as to pass an online entrance exam for your specific entry route and degree, and to do a personal interview (the date of the interview may be modified up to 24h in advance). 

Once you have provided your personal data, you will receive an email with your credentials for the Prospective Students Portal (PSP), where you will be able to follow up on the progress of your application whenever you want. From the PSP, you will also be able to complete your admission and registration . You can also access the PSP from our website (under ACCESOS and futuro alumno).

Last but not least, don't forget to submit any documents we request.

General information

Going to university is one of the most important life experiences, and one that will condition your professional and professional future. You are faced with the difficult decision of which degree or degrees to study. For this reason, the members of the Universidad San Pablo CEU Admissions Service team are here to help you. With the assistance of our teachers, we will provide you with all the advice you need to resolve your doubts and help you choose the degree with which to turn your vocation into a brilliant professional future. 

You can also complete the form with your details and an advisor will contact you as soon as possible. Whichever way you choose, we are here to help you.



Admission process for the degree in Medicine

Start your application for admission through the application form. 
We will ask you for your personal and academic data and, depending on your access route to the Bachelor’s degree in Medicine, we will inform you about the selection process and the documentation you must provide.

When you fill in your personal information, you will receive an e-mail with your username and password to access the Future Student Portal, where you can check the status of your application and complete the admission and enrollment process at any time. 

The admission process consists of uploading documentation on the prospective student portal and taking an internal University entrance test. 

There are 3 exam sessions, both online and in-person. 

Group 1: Potential students whose admission pathway is High School or equivalent Foreign Education System.  
First call for online or in-person exams November 16.  

  • Application submission: from October 16 to November 7 
  • Online online/on-site entrance exam: November 16, 2024.  
    • Place: Online/ USP Montepríncipe Campus. 
    • Schedule: from 10:00 to 13:00 hours.  
  • Deadline for uploading documents: November 22, 2024. 
  • Publication of the result of the entrance exam: November 26, 2024. 
  • Publication of admissions and waiting list: December 3, 2024.
  • Applications for the in-person test can be submitted until October 31, 2024.  

Second Call for online/on-site examination February 15, 2025.  

  • Application submission: from December 5 to February 6. 
  • Online entrance exam: February 15.  
    • Place: online/ USP Montepríncipe Campus.  
    • Schedule: from 10:00 to 13:00 hours. 
  • Deadline for uploading documents: February 20. 
  • Publication of the results of the entrance exam: February 25. 
  • Publication of admissions and waiting list: March 4. 
  • Applications for the in-person test can be submitted until January 30, 2025.  

Third Call for online or in-person examination April 5, 2025  

  • Submission of applications: March 6 to March 27
  • Online or in-person entrance exam: April 5 
    • Venue: USP CEU Montepríncipe School Facilities.
    • Schedule: from 10:00 to 13:00 hours. 
  • Publication of test results: April 23. 
  • Deadline for submission of documentation: April 8 
  • Publication of admissions and waiting list: April 29 
  • Applications for the in-person test can be submitted until March 20, 2025.  

Group 2: Diploma, Degree or Graduate other than in Biology, Biomedicine, Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Optics, Psychology, Podiatry, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Biotechnology, Speech Therapy, Genetics, Neuroscience, Graduate Nursing or Physiotherapy).  
First call for online or in-person exams November 16.  

  • Application submission: from October 16 to November 7 
  • Online online/on-site entrance exam: November 16, 2024.  
    • Place: Online/ USP Montepríncipe Campus. 
    • Schedule: from 10:00 to 13:00 hours.  
  • Deadline for uploading documents: July 4, 2025. 
  • Publication of the result of the entrance exam: November 26, 2024. 
  • Publication of admissions and waiting list: July 15, 2025 
  • Applications for the in-person test can be submitted until October 31, 2024. 

Second Call for online/on-site examination February 15, 2025.  

  • Application submission: from December 5 to February 6. 
  • Online entrance exam: February 15.  
    • Place: online/ USP Montepríncipe Campus.  
    • Schedule: from 10:00 to 13:00 hours.  
  • Deadline for uploading documents: July 4. 
  • Publication of the results of the entrance exam: February 25. 
  • Publication of admissions and waiting list: July 15, 2025. 
  • Applications for the in-person test can be submitted until January 30, 2025.  

Third Call for online or in-person examination April 5, 2025  

  • Submission of applications: March 6 to March 27
  • Online or in-person entrance exam: April 5  
    • Venue: USP CEU Montepríncipe School Facilities.
    • Schedule: from 10:00 to 13:00 hours. 
  • Publication of test results: April 23. 
  • Deadline for submission of documentation: July 4 
  • Publication of admissions and waiting list: July 15 
  • Applications for the in-person test can be submitted until March 20, 2025.  

If you do not take the exam, you will lose the right to sit for the exam, so if you wish to take the exam in the 2nd and/or 3rd round, you will have to pay the admission process fee again.  
Candidates may sit for all three exams, with the highest grade being taken as a reference. The examination fee is 200 € for each round.  

Group 3: Graduates in Biology, Biomedicine, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Microbiology, Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry, Optics, Psychology, Podiatry, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Biotechnology, Speech Therapy, Neuroscience, Nursing and Physiotherapy. Group exempt from internal university examination.  

  • Submission of the application and requested documentation until July 4. 
  • Publication of admission list: July 15.  

Group 4: Prospective students who have begun studies in Medicine at another university and request a transfer of their transcript.Group exempt from internal university examination.  

  • Submission of the application and requested documentation: until May 24. 
  • Publication of the admission as of June 17.  

If you are eligible for more than one pathway, you must choose the higher academic degree.  

The Entrance Exam is an exam organized by the University in 3 calls and consists of the following exercises:  

  • Specific Test: multiple-choice test in Biology and Chemistry.  
  • General Test: English test.  

In this test only the positive answers are taken into account, not subtracting the negative ones.  

For candidates who take the entrance exam, selection will be made on the basis of these criteria:  

  • Grades of 1st year of baccalaureate: 60%.  
  • Universidad San Pablo CEU specific test and Universidad San Pablo CEU English test: 40%.  

The EvAU (Spanish University Entrance Exam) grades are not part of the scale for the awarding of a place. The candidate who has been pre-admitted, according to the above mentioned criteria, must pass the general phase of the University Entrance Examination (EvAU) in the ordinary call (June).  

The deadline for submitting the EvAU grades is July 5 (this date is not definitive and is subject to the university entrance exam calendar for the year 2025). Once this date is reached, the University will understand that the candidate, who has not submitted it, voluntarily renounces to the pre-admission granted, without the right to reimbursement of the economic amounts advanced, leaving the place at the disposal of the University, which will award it to the corresponding candidate, according to the scale applied.  

For candidates who are not required to take the entrance exam, selection will be made on the basis of the academic documentation provided.  

If you have been admitted, we will send you a communication specifying the period of 5 days to make the "Pre-registration" and pay the reservation fee.  
The process is very simple, go to the Future Student Portal and choose one of the following payment options:  

  • "Online payment of the reservation fee by credit card".     
  • "Payment of the Reservation Fee by bank office".  

If the payment is made by credit card, it will be automatically posted on the spot, and this information will appear in your Portal. If you have chosen a bank office it takes 24 hours.

Universidad San Pablo CEU only guarantees a place to those applicants who pay the reservation fee within the period stated in the admission notice. This amount is accrued independently of the prices and cannot be refunded.  

Enrollment is formalized once you have passed the requirements for access to the University. Send us to the Admissions and New Student Service the document that proves your legal access to the University and we will inform you of your definitive admission. Remember that you must provide the documentation within the deadline established for your group in order not to be left out of the process.  

The communication specifies the deadline for the procedure, which is managed in the Future Student Portal and consists of the following steps:  

  1. Payment of the registration fee: the payment methods are the same as for the reservation fee, credit or debit card or payment at a bank office. 
  2. Fill in the data in the "Registration" form (this form is enabled after payment confirmation). 
  3. Fill in the bank details and digitally sign the SEPA Direct Debit Order. 
  4. Request the transfer of your academic transcript if you have started your studies in another Spanish University.  

The waiver of pre-enrollment and/or enrollment will only be effective when communicated in writing to the Admissions and New Student Service of the Universidad San Pablo CEU ([email protected])

Note: Students who take the University Entrance Exams and those who have not completed their university studies begun at another Center, must present the receipt of the application for transfer of their transcript from the University where they took the university entrance exam, or where they began their university studies, to the Universidad San Pablo CEU.  

Enrollment will not be final until receipt of the academic documentation accrediting legal access to the university.  

Place pre-enrolment and reservation

The resolution will be communicated once the admission process has been completed, and if it is favorable, the deadline for payment of the reservation fee will be specified.

To make the payment:

  • Log into your Future Student Portal
  • Choose one of two payment options:

    • Pay Your Administrative Fee Online by Card.
    • Pay Your Administrative Fee Online at a Bank Branch.

Universidad CEU San Pablo only guarantees a place to those applicants who pay the Place Reservation Fee by the deadline stated in the pre-admission notice. This amount is accrued independently of the academic fees and cannot be refunded.

Students who have not passed the EvAU entrance exam in the ordinary call, and have made their pre-registration, will have priority in the enrollment once they pass the EvAU in the extraordinary call. As long as there are places available.


Enrollment is finalised through the Future Student Portal, within the established deadline and it entails the following steps:

  1. Upload your legal access document to the university. If you are an international student.
  2. Pay the registration fee. The means of payment are the same as for the payment of the reservation fee (credit or debit card or bank transfer).
  3. Fill in the information in the "Registration" form (this form is enabled after the payment confirmation).
  4. After 24 hours, you must confirm the bank details and digitally sign the SEPA Direct Debit Order.

Enrolment will not be formalised until the certifying document to access University is received.

Waiver of Pre-enrolment and/or Enrolment will only be effective when communicated in writing to the Admissions and New Student Service of Universidad CEU San Pablo. ([email protected]).