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Inclusive Campuses: Tools for Peace | CEU San Pablo

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Invited as an international expert, Pablo Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Professor of Architectural Composition, spoke at the 'Forum for Peace, Development, and Education' held at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The full member of the Architecture and Fine Arts Section of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (RADE) delivered a lecture titled 'The Campus of the Future as a Tool for Peace: Social Inclusion, Educational Architecture, and Human Values'. This forum was promoted by H.E. Otto F. von Feigenblatt, honorary academic of RADE, and Daniel del Valle, permanent observer of the United Nations International Youth Organisation. Professor Campos received the Librea Collar of Honour for his merits, contributions to society, and support of projects. 

Additionally, the Professor of Architectural Composition delivered two more lectures. One took place at the New York headquarters of the firm DLR-Group, supported by over 1,500 professionals who have designed various international campuses. The other lecture was held at the 'American Institute of Architects,' titled 'Inclusive Campuses: Architecture, Intellectual Disability, and Human Values,' where Pablo Campos Calvo-Sotelo presented the results of the R&D&I Project "Inclusive Campuses and Architecture" (MICINN). This project is generating criteria for the planning and design of university spaces. The event was attended by representatives of the 'American Institute of Architects' and various authorities, including Pedro Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martín, Consul for Cultural Affairs at the Consulate General of Spain in New York.

Palabras clave Architecture Inclusive Campus UN New York Human Values Peace