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Communication keys for future professionals

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The University and the Academy of Television have inaugurated a new Aula CEU-Business as a result of the agreement signed by the rector and the manager of the University, Rosa Visiedo and Carmen García de Elías, and the president of the Academy, María Casado. This space is aimed at students of the School of Humanities and Communication Sciences and had, in its inaugural session, a roundtable with leading communication professionals.

Journalist Carlos García-Hirschfeld, a member of the Academy's Board of Directors and a CEU alumni, moderated this meeting with Nieves Herrero, presenter of 'Madrid Directo Radio' (Onda Madrid), Carlos Franganillo, presenter of 'Informativos Telecinco', both former CEU USP students, and Ana Brito, creator of audiovisual content and comedy.

During this colloquium, Herrero commented that "there are many moments that suddenly become interesting in your career, even though at the time you see it as the worst of situations." Furthermore, she explained that "when I started in radio, I realised the significance of having written and read so much before, to be able to speak and communicate well." After her great career, she is clear that "success is not as wonderful as it seems, you need someone to bring you down to earth. Failure is where you really come into your own’.. It's in failure where you really prove yourself."

For her part, Brito, a contentcreator in the field of communication, explained how she sees the sector without having formal training in this area. From her experience, she believes that "the media, as we know it, I think will continue to change." In her intervention, she explained to the students that "having been in so many places has given me a series of tools in my career, but for this, I think it is very important to have the attitude of 'yes', of not wanting to miss out on anything."

Finally, Franganillo commented that you often end up dedicating yourself to your profession by chance and, for that, it is necessary to be willing to learn and be open to trying things out. In that sense, in the world of television, in particular, "there has to be something to tell, to communicate, but you always have to be critical of yourself and know if you are worth it or if you need to redirect yourself along other paths. No position should be wasted".

Palabras clave Academy of Television Carlos Franganillo Nieves Herrero Ana Brito Carlos García-Hirschfeld María Casado