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Teaching and research staff

By category

Academic year 2016-2017

BOTH GENDERS IV.PDI.04 Young Workforce
IV.PDI.04 Staff in retirement process [60,66] IV.PDI.04 Staff of 67 or more IV.PDI.04 Average age Total PDI Age: Under 30  Age: [30,35) Age: [35,40) Age: [40,50) Age: [50,60)  Age: [60,65) Age: [65,67) Age: 67 or more
Total 10,90% 7,50% 2,70% 47 926 29 72 117 324 290 56 13 25
Faculties and Colleges 11,20% 8,30% 1,80% 47 795 29 60 97 268 261 54 12 14
Level I. Director, Ordinary and Full Professor 0.0 % 26,50% 2,90% 57 34 0 0 0 3 21 6 3 1
Level II. Associate and Full Professor 0.0 % 12,70% 4,20% 53 71 0 0 0 28 31 7 2 3
Level III. Assistant Professor, Hired Doctorate and Assistant Doctorate Professor 7,00% 8,70% 1,20% 47 345 4 20 67 121 99 26 4 4
Level IV. Associate Professor 28,80% 2,90% 0.0 % 43 139 18 22 12 39 44 3 1 0
Level V and VI. Assistant, Auxiliary or Collaborating Professor. 12,10% 6,80% 2,90% 47 206 7 18 18 77 66 12 2 6
University Schools and Other Teachings 20,30% 1,70% 0.0 % 40 59 0 12 15 26 5 1 0 0
Level I. Associate and Full Professor 0.0 % 10,00% 0.0 % 44 10 0 0 2 6 1 1 0 0
Level III and Level IV. Associate, Assistant, Auxiliary and Collaborating Professor. 24,50% 0.0 % 0.0 % 39 49 0 12 13 20 4 0 0 0
Other teaching staff 0.0 % 2,80% 15,30% 53 72 0 0 5 30 24 1 1 11
Other: Other teaching staff 0.0 % 2,80% 15,30% 53 72 0 0 5 30 24 1 1 11


WOMEN IV.PDI.04 Young Workforce
IV.PDI.04 Staff in retirement process [60,66] IV.PDI.04 Staff of 67 or more IV.PDI.04 Average age Total PDI Age: Under 30  Age: [30,35) Age: [35,40) Age: [40,50) Age: [50,60)  Age: [60,65) Age: [65,67)
Women 14,20% 3,20% 0.0 % 45 437 14 48 69 167 125 11 3
Hired 14,20% 3,20% 0.0 % 45 437 14 48 69 167 125 11 3
Level I. Director, Ordinary and Full Professor 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 55 10 0 0 0 1 9 0 0
Level I. Associate and Full Professor 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 44 5 0 0 1 3 1 0 0
Level II. Associate and Full Professor 0.0 % 6,30% 0.0 % 50 32 0 0 0 17 13 1 1
Level III. Assistant Professor, Hired Doctor and Assistant Doctor. 8,50% 5,70% 0.0 % 45 176 0 15 43 61 47 9 1
Level III and Level IV. Associate, Assistant, Auxiliary and Collaborator Professor. 33,30% 0.0 % 0.0 % 39 36 0 12 7 13 4 0 0
Level IV. Associate Professor 39,00% 0.0 % 0.0 % 39 59 12 11 7 16 13 0 0
Level V and VI. Assistant, Auxiliary or Collaborating Professor. 13,30% 1,10% 0.0 % 45 90 2 10 8 42 27 0 1
Other: Other teaching staff 0.0 % 3,40% 0.0 % 49 29 0 0 3 14 11 1 0