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Supply-demand ratio

Supply/Demand ratio

Academic year 2020-2021

Bachelor's degrees Offered          
Law School Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.  
Criminology and Security Sciences 145 192 66 51  
International Relations and the European Union 90 445 171 99  
Law 275 729 330 204  
Total 510 1366 567 354  


School of Economics and Business Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Business Administration and Management 280 1624 507 304
Economics (Finance/International Business) 120 303 119 75
Marketing 160 953 243 178
Business Intelligence 80 250 97 70
Total 640 3130 966 627


School of Humanities and Communication Sciences Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Audiovisual Communication 90 206 58 40
Digital Communication 90 163 71 58
History 50 33 10 6
Art History  50 23 11 6
Humanities 50 24 10 8
Journalism 99 230 73 51
Advertising and Public Relations 150 298 132 106
Total 579 977 365 275


Institute of Technology Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Architecture 180 377 96 60
Biomedical Engineering 80 223 91 45
Information Systems Engineering  40 170 68 42
Telecommunication Systems Engineering 30 108 32 19
Total 330 878 287 166


School of Pharmacy Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Biotechnology 72 264 117 75
Pharmacy 120 339 188 131
Human Nutrition 30 127 48 37
Optics, Optometry and Audiology 30 41 11 7
Total 252 771 364 250


School of Medicine Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Nursing 90 514 155 106
Physiotherapy 110 168 110 73
Medicine 160 1304 738 196
Dentistry 100 515 196 123
Psychology 60 280 90 51
Genetics 48 96 47 33
Total 568 2877 1.336 582
Law School Demand 21-22   Demand 20-21 Variation  
Ciencias Criminológicas y de la Seguridad 192 113 69,91%
Relaciones Internacionales y Unión Europea 445 389 14,40%
Derecho 729 693 5,19%
School of Economics and Business Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variación
Business Administration and Management 1.624 1175 38,21%
Economics (Finance/International Business) 303 267 13,48%
Marketing 953 589 61,80%
Business Intelligence 250 168 48,81%
School of Humanities and Communication Sciences Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Audiovisual Communication 206 168 22,62%
Digital Communication 163 204 -20,10%
History 33 26 26,92%
Art History  23 20 15,00%
Humanities 24 18 33,33%
Journalism 230 204 12,75%
Advertising and Public Relations 298 321 -7,17%
Institute of Technology Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Architecture 377 260 45,00%
Biomedical Engineering 223 154 44,81%
Information Systems Engineering  170 164 3,66%
Telecommunication Systems Engineering 108 90 20,00%
School of Pharmacy Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Biotechnology 264 209 26,32%
Pharmacy 339 322 5,28%
Human Nutrition 127 126 0,79%
Óptica, Optometría y Audiología 41 29 41,38%
School of Medicine Demanda20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Nursing 514 279 84,23%
Physiotherapy 168 259 -35,14%
Medicine 1.304 1382 -5,64%
Dentistry 515 267 92,88%
Psychology 280 219 27,85%
Genetics 96 106 -9,43%
Law School Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Degree  for Accessing the Legal Profession 80 394 92 54
Data Protection, Transparency and Access to Information 40 172 19 0
Research in Law at UCH-CEU, UAO-CEU (Coord) and USP-CEU 16 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Total 136 566 111 54


School of Economics and Business Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Auditing of Accounts 200 122 122 122
Actuarial and Financial Sciences 15 87 17 0
Financial Markets and Asset Management 30 274 44 18
Total 245 483 183 140


School of Humanities and Communication Sciences Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Bioethics and Training (in collaboration with UCAV) 30 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Fashion and Beauty Communication (TELVA & YO DONA) 35 78 28 10
Teacher Training for Secondary School and Baccalaureate Teachers 150 1799 516 159
Cultural Journalism 30 104 10 7
Radio 30 53 39 27
Public Relations and Event Organisation 20 126 14 0
Contemporary History 20 44 10 9
Total 315 2204 617 212


Institute of Technology Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Biomedical Engineering 40 154 18 5
Total 40 154 18 5


School of Pharmacy Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Pharmaceutical Care - Welfare Pharmacy 25 107 18 0
Drug Discovery 25 75 52 38
Management of Health Biotechnology Companies 20 108 25 13
Total 70 290 95 51


School of Medicine Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
Oral Surgery 12 47 0 0
Health Law 35 113 12 0
Cardiac Electrophysiology, Diagnostics and Therapeutics 25 37 0 1
In-Hospital Paediatric and Neonatal Nursing 30 154 20 0
Nursing in Emergency and Intra-hospital Critical Care 40 190 41 20
Nursing in Emergencies, Emergencies and Health Transport 30 180 59 17
Invasive Physiotherapy 24 261 44 13
Clinical and Applied Research in Oncology 20 158 25 8
Medical-Surgical Periodontics 12 28 9 0
General Health Psychology 25 289 80 32
Urgencies, Emergencies and Catastrophes 65 362 126 70
Sports Biomechanics 25 116 26 8
Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Therapies 25 152 21 0
Fisioterapia en Pediatría 24 190 58 24
Total 392 2277 521 193


Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos Offer  Appl. Admit. Enrol.
International Relations  the European Union 35 353 61 23
 European Union 35 87 27 13
Total 70 440 88 36


Law School Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Degree  for Accessing the Legal Profession 394 300 31,33%
Data Protection, Transparency and Access to Information 172 194 -11,34%
Research in Law at UCH-CEU, UAO-CEU (Coord) and USP-CEU n.d. n.d. 0,00%
School of Economics and Business      
Auditing of Accounts 122 178 -31,46%
Actuarial and Financial Sciences 87 43 102,33%
Financial Markets and Asset Management 274 196 39,80%
School of Humanities and Communication Sciences Deman 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Fashion and Beauty Communication (TELVA & YO DONA) 78 114 -31,58%
Teacher Training for Secondary School and Baccalaureate Teachers 1799 1555 15,69%
Cultural Journalism 104 112 -7,14%
Radio 53 94 -43,62%
Public Relations and Event Organisation 126 235 -46,38%
Contemporary History 44 64 -31,25%
Institute of Technology Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Biomedical Engineering 154 84 83,33%
School of Pharmacy Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Pharmaceutical Care - Welfare Pharmacy 107 110 -2,73%
Drug Discovery 75 33 127,27%
Management of Health Biotechnology Companies 108 104 3,85%
School of Medicine Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
Oral Surgery 47 148 -68,24%
Health Law 113 111 1,80%
Cardiac Electrophysiology, Diagnostics and Therapeutics 37 44 -15,91%
In-Hospital Paediatric and Neonatal Nursing 154 137 12,41%
Nursing in Emergency and Intra-hospital Critical Care 190 212 -10,38%
Nursing in Emergencies, Emergencies and Health Transport 180 263 -31,56%
Invasive Physiotherapy 261 241 8,30%
Clinical and Applied Research in Oncology 158 83 90,36%
Medical-Surgical Periodontics 28 47 -40,43%
General Health Psychology 289 196 47,45%
Urgencies, Emergencies and Catastrophes 362 338 7,10%
Sports Biomechanics 116 101 14,85%
Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Therapies 152 125 21,60%
Fisioterapia en Pediatría 190 0 Bianual
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos Demand 20-21 Demand 19-20 Variation
International Relations 353 311 13,50%
European Union 87 0 77,55%


DOCTORADOS OFERTADOS Oferta Solicitudes Admitidos Matriculados
Ciencia y Tecnología de la Salud 20 29 19  17 
Composición, Historia y Técnica en la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo 15
Comunicación Social 18 27 19  16 
Derecho y Economía 80 48  40  38 
Humanidades para el Mundo Contemporáneo 24 10 
Medicina Traslacional 100 31  25 23
Total 257 154 120 110


P.H. DEGREES OFFERED Offer Demand Ratio Demand/offer
Ciencia y Tecnología de la Salud 20 29 145%
Composición, Historia y Técnica en la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo 15 9 60%
Comunicación Social 18 27 150%
Derecho y Economía 80 48 60%
Humanidades para el Mundo Contemporáneo 24 10 42%
Medicina Traslacional 100 31 31%


School of Economics and Business Demand Enrolment
Digital Marketing and Social Media 21 10
School of Humanities and Communication Sciences Demand Enrolment
Journalism El Mundo/CEU 27 14
Specialised Journalism in Sport CEU-MARCA  56 30
Digital Verification, Fact-Checking and Data Journalism 19 12
School of Medicine Demand Enrolment
Implantology and Oral Surgery 20 7
Advanced Multidisciplinary Orthodontics 27 11
Orthodontics and Dentomaxillary Orthopaedics 37 10
Assesses. Personal Injury, Medical Expertise and Management of Conflicts of Responsibility. Extrajud. of Conflicts of Responsibility. Sanitaria 16 12