The European Documentation Centre started the 2017-2018 academic year by organising, in collaboration with the European institutions in Spain (Representation in Spain of the European Commission and the European Parliament Information Office in Spain) a Debate on the Future of Europe with the participation of the Members of the European Parliament, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril and Juan José López-Aguilar as well as the Deputy Director of Justice of the European Commission, Francisco Fonseca, who responded to the questions and comments of our students and teachers. The Debate took place on 20 October 2017 in the Aula Magna of the CEU San Pablo University and was moderated by José María Beneyto, Director of the University Institute of European Studies.
Thanks to funding from the Community of Madrid, the CDE carried out the project "30 years of Erasmus: being active for getting job", whose activities consisted of a Micro-story Contest, and a Conference on mobility and employment in the European Union, composed of a round table with professionals who valued the importance of the international experience in the workplace, and a "Café-Erasmus" meeting in which students who have already lived this experience encouraged other students to enjoy it. This activity was carried out in collaboration with the International Mobility Office of the University.
The CDE continued to manage the traditional services it provides to the university community as a specialised library and to participate in the thematic repository project of the Spain-European Union Digital Archive.