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Scholarships and study grants

Excellence Grants

Academic Year 2021-2022

CEU Merit Program 100 69
CEU Merit Program 49
For Academic Excellence - Rector's Scholarship 0
Medicine for Academic Excellence 0
Merit Medicine for Academic Excellence 6
Merit for Sporting Excellence 3
CEU Merit International 62
Total 189
CEU Merit Program 100 175
CEU Merit Program 140
For Academic Excellence - Rector's Scholarship 3
Talent Bridge 50
Medicine for Academic Excellence 47
Merit Medicine for Academic Excellence 17
Merit for Sporting Excellence 13
CEU Merit International 63
Total 508
Schools 385 2,922,311.08€
Schools 385 2,922,311.08€
Law School    
Degree Students Amount
Law (Plan 2009) 1 8.880,00 €
Law (Plan 2018) 5 35.164,50 €
Law (Plan 2018) and TP Jco-Community 2019 3 17.948,00 €
Law and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2018) 6 34.793,50 €
Law and Criminology and Security Law and Criminology and Security (Plan 2017) 3 16.905,00 €
Law and Criminology and Security Sciences (Plan 2017) Law and Criminology and Security Sciences (Plan 2017) Law and Criminology and Security (Plan 2018) 7 36.693,60 €
Law and Journalism (Plan 2009) 1 5.772,00 €
Law and Journalism (Plan 2018) 1 5.635,50 €
Law and Journalism (Plan 2019) 1 3.917,55 €
Law and Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2009) 1 5.772,00 €
Law and International Relations and EU (Plan 2017) 2 19.170,00 €
Law and International Relations and EU (Plan 2018) 9 52.908,30 €
International Relations and EU (Plan 2017) 3 15.293,25 €
Total 43 258.853,20 €
School of Economics and Business    
Degree Students Amount
Business Administration and Management (Plan 2009) 5 22.923,54 €
Business Administration and Management (Plan 2021) 3 19.635,54 €
Business Administration and Management and Marketing (Plan 2021) 5 40.254,30 €
Business Administration and Management and Marketing and Commercial Management (Plan 2009) 19 138.971,10 €
Economics (Plan 2013) 12 87.909,00 €
Economics and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2016) 2 14.387,10 €
Economics and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2021) 3 11.430,00 €
Economics and International Relations and EU (Plan 2019) 7 31.906,95 €
Business Intelligence and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2018) 6 22.975,50 €
Business Intelligence and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2021) 3 13.500,00 €
Business Intelligence and Economics (Plan 2019) 1 3.178,50 €
Business Intelligence (Plan 2017) 5 27.117,60 €
Marketing (Plan 2021) 4 12.225,00 €
Marketing and Commercial Management and Digital Communication (Plan 2016) 1 9.000,00 €
Marketing and Business Management and Digital Communication (Plan 2019) 1 9.300,00 €
Marketing and Digital Communication (Plan 2021) 2 8.950,50 €
Total 79 473.664,09 €
School of Humanities and Communication Sciences  
Degree Students Amount
Audiovisual Communication (Plan 2009) 2 8.358,00 €
Audiovisual Communication (Plan 2019) 10 59.688,00 €
Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations (2009 Plan) 1 1.326,00 €
Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations (2019 Plan) 4 39.630,00 €
Digital Communication (Plan 2019) 4 27.435,00 €
Digital Communication and Audiovisual Communication (Plan 2012) 1 6.825,00 €
Digital Communication and Audiovisual Communication (Plan 2019) 1 9.420,00 €
Digital Communication and Journalism (Plan 2019) 5 45.033,00 €
Digital Communication and Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2012) 2 8.424,00 €
Digital Communication and Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2019) 7 32.781,00 €
Primary Education (Plan 2021) 1 3.120,00 €
History (Plan 2009) 1 7.500,00 €
History of Art (Plan 2009) 1 4.797,00 €
History and History of Art (Plan 2009) 5 28.503,00 €
Humanities (Plan 2019) 1 7.200,00 €
Humanities and Audiovisual Communication (Plan 2019) 3 19.080,00 €
Humanities and Digital Communication (Plan 2016) 1 7.560,00 €
Humanities and Journalism (Plan 2009) 1 7.380,00 €
Humanities and Journalism (Plan 2019) 1 4.282,20 €
Journalism (Plan 2009) 1 9.600,00 €
Journalism (Plan 2019) 4 24.510,00 €
Journalism and Audiovisual Communication (2009 Plan) 2 17.550,00 €
Journalism and Audiovisual Communication (Plan 2019) 6 47.145,00 €
Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2009) 2 14.400,00 €
Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2019) 6 44.556,00 €
Journalism and International and EU Relations (Plan 2019) 3 21.892,50 €
Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2009) 1 9.900,00 €
Advertising and Public Relations (Plan 2019) 10 60.465,00 €
Advertising and Public Rel. Public Relations and Marketing (Plan 2021) 6 24.741,60 €
Advertising and Public Relations and Marketing and Business Management (Plan 2009) 1 7.806,00 €
Advertising and Public Relations and Marketing and Sales Management (Plan 2019) 3 19.920,00 €
Total 97 630.828,30 €
School of Medicine    
Degree Students Amount
Nursing (Plan 2015) 13 79.970,58 €
Physiotherapy (Plan 2021) 9 52.575,00 €
Physiotherapy (Plan 2014) 10 44.773,27 €
Genetics (Plan 2017) 17 167.853,00 €
Medicine (Plan 2013) 64 626.404,06 €
Dentistry (Plan 2014) 5 45.101,40 €
Dentistry (Plan 2021) 17 96.180,00 €
Psychology (Plan 2010) 4 19.886,40 €
Psychology (Plan 2021) 4 22.275,00 €
Total 143 1,155,018.71€
School of Pharmacy    
Degree Students Amount
Biotechnology (Plan 2011) 20 129.572,70 €
Pharmacy (Plan 2009) 16 98.962,65 €
Pharmacy and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2014) 3 19.839,00 €
Pharmacy and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2021) 1 9.180,00 €
Pharmacy and Biotechnology (Plan 2011) 32 197.795,70 €
Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Plan 2019) 6 48.000,00 €
Pharmacy and Optics and Optometry (Plan 2021) 1 5.616,00 €
Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Plan 2019) 3 12.075,00 €
Optics and Optometry (Plan 2021) 1 7.500,00 €
Total 83 528.541,05 €
Institute of Technology    
Degree Students Amount
Architecture (Plan 2010) 26 184.481,46 €
Architecture (Plan 2010) and Master's Degree in Interior Design 2020 3 14.844,00 €
Biomedical Engineering (Plan 2013) 14 121.809,27 €
Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunication Systems Engineering (2013 Plan) 4 24.872,80 €
Information Systems Engineering (Plan 2010) 1 6.357,00 €
Information Systems Engineering and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2014) 2 14.880,00 €
Information Systems Engineering and Business Administration and Management (Plan 2021) 3 18.141,90 €
Telecommunication Systems Engineering (Plan 2010) 2 8.530,74 €
Telecommunication Systems Engineering and Information Systems Engineering (Plan 2015) 1 9.780,00 €
Total 56 403.697,17 €


RESEARCH STAFF TRAINING GRANTS (FPI/PIF) AND UNIVERSITY TEACHER TRAINING GRANTS (FPU) POSTGRADUATE Pre-doctoral grants for doctoral training: USP-CEU call for FPI/PIF Research Staff Training grants Pre-doctoral grants for doctoral training: call for applications for university teacher training grants from the Ministry of Universities and call for applications for pre-doctoral contracts for doctoral training from the Ministry of Science and Innovation. NEW SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED Scholarships and pre-doctoral grants for doctoral training: call for applications for grants for FPI research staff training at the University.

Degree  Students  
USP-CEU undergraduate grants 40  
Grants for collaboration in MEFP Departments 1  
Postgraduate Beneficiarios  
Pre-doctoral grants for doctoral training: USP-CEU FPI/PIF grants call for applications 25  
Grants for university teacher training from the Ministry of Universities 8  
Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for doctoral training from the Ministry of Science and Innovation 3  
School of Humanities and Communication Sciences 5 122.248,00 €
School of Medicine 8 193.195,00 €
School of Pharmacy 22 514.072,00 €
Total 35 829.515,00 €


Undergraduate Grants 0
Collaboration Scholarships (Min. of Education and Vocational Training) 1


Total 40 60.000,00 €
Law School    
School of Economics and Business    
School of Humanities and Communication Sciences    
School of Medicine    
School of Pharmacy    
Institute of Technology    
BACHELOR'S AND MASTER'S DEGREE - COLLABORATION SCHOLARSHIPS Min. of Education and Vocational Training Students  Amount
Total 1 2.000,00 €