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GPS Programme: Grow Path for Students

We accompany students in their personal and professional growth

We accompany students in their personal and professional growth

Our GPS Programme seeks to boost our students’ personal and professional growth and has been designed to become a key building block of their training and preparation for the job market. Our teachers and renowed active professionals provide students with help and guidance in the previous years to their integration into the job market.

CEU San Pablo students from all years and degrees participate in the programme. Year 1 and Year 2 students are mentored by our university professors (GPS I), whilst students from Year 3 are mentored by professionals (GPS II) with extensive personal and professional experience, who will guide, help and counsel them to make their transition to working life easier and more successful. The programme includes masterclasses on different subjects. 

The programme also tackle, together with the Career Center department, a specific leadership and professional skills training with networking events and talks which go deeper in the relevant competences that the job market requires.


Programa GPS: Growth Path For Students