Facultad de Farmacia
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
School of pharmacy

Useful information

Useful information for students

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Información sobre Trabajos de Fin de Grado

Practical lessons take place in the laboratories or in the 5 computer rooms of the Faculty.

In the higher courses, students, as well as doing work experience in the School's laboratories, go to other centres of recognised prestige with which the corresponding agreements have been established. The University also provides students with the Employment Guidance and Information Centre, which facilitates their integration into the labour market.

In the last academic year, 28% of Pharmacy students did their supervised internships in Hospital Pharmacy and 10% did so outside the Community of Madrid and abroad thanks to the SICUE and ERASMUS+ mobility programmes.

Further information:


As soon as a student is enrolled at Universidad CEU San Pablo, he/she is assigned a tutor. The tutor's mission is to help the student in everything that can contribute to improving their academic performance, facilitating their participation in university life and their comprehensive education. The tutorial function is a dynamic element in the academic, personal and professional training process of the student, not only in the traditional field of academic counselling but also in the personalised guidance and orientation of the training process and future job placement. 

Likewise, each course of each degree programme has a Course Coordinator and a Studies Coordinator, and all of them have a Student Support Service, which will guide the student in any situation that may arise.

Our School combines academic excellence in teaching and research with international projection. We offer our students personalized attention and the best infrastructures and equipment for their comprehensive education.

International Relations Coordinators

Contact the following coordinators to request more information about the academic offer for study mobilities and about the research groups for internship mobilities:

 Degrees and study plans