Facultad de Farmacia
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
School of pharmacy


Upcoming Congresses

International Online Congress - Congreso BIP: Your Career Opportunities Worldwide 2023

Internaitional Congress COIL 2023

This Congress is the final activity of an Erasmus+ funded BIP (Blended Intensive Program) project. It will include various plenary lectures, a round table, and oral communications focused on the main Career opportunities worldwide in the degrees of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics. The oral communications have been prepared by students from the organizing universities and are based on interviews with 62 experts from several professional sectors. These experts come from 9 countries and work in 57 institutions.

Who can participate? It is aimed at anyone interested in the career opportunities worldwide in the health sector (students, recent graduates and professionals).

Date: July 10, 2023 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (Spanish time).




Visit the preliminary program

How to register: Registration is free, but we have limited places. Do not miss this opportunity and register as soon as possible by clicking on the following link:

Register now

Registration deadline: July 7th.

Organizing Committee: Paola Otero Gómez¹, Carmen Pérez García¹, Carolina Hurtado Marcos¹, Rocío de la Iglesia González¹, María Fernanda Rey-Stolle Valcarce¹, Francesca Spyrakis², Cinzia Margherita Bertea², Giulia Caron², Sonja Visentin², Dorine Bonte³, Eric Morel³.

¹Universidad CEU San Pablo; Spain; ²Università degli studio di Torino, Italy; ³Universite Paris-Saclay, French

July 10, 2023 - Preliminary Program

Time (Central European Time -CET-) Activity Speaker/Chair
9:45h Opening and Congress Presentation
Chair: Paola Otero
- Representative from Université Paris-Saclay (France). 

- Ainhoa Uribe, Vice-chancellor for Internationalization. University CEU San Pablo.

- Marcella Costa, Vice-Rector for Internationalization. Università di Torino (Italy).

10:00h Opening Lecture “Exploring the career path of a scientist working on metabolism of alimentary compounds by the intestinal microbiota and their impact on health”
Chairs: Dorine Bonte and Eric Morel
François Blachier, Director of Research. French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) Université Paris-Saclay/AgroParisTech.
10:30h Round Table: “How are Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization Transforming the Pharma, Biotech and Food Sectors?”
Chair: Carmen Pérez, Paola Otero and Cinzia Bertea  

- Jaime Antonio Acosta Gómez, Technology Advisory Group Co-chair at International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP).  

- Juan José Beunza, Director IASalud-UEM. Biomedical Data Translator.

- Carlos Galmarini, Founder and CEO at Topazium Artificial Intelligence.

- Carmen Carrion Ribas, Principal Investigator eHealthLab-UOC.

11:00h - 13:00h Students’ Oral Communications on Research and Industry in Pharma-Biotech and Food sectors
Chairs: Fernanda Rey-Stolle, Sonja Visentin,  Federica Dal Bello


- Marketing

- Market Access and Public Affairs 

- Medical Affairs 

- Project Management and Consulting 

- Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance

- Food Industry 

 - Research in Health Sciences 

13:00h - 14:00h Lunch Break



Conference "How personal leadership attributes will make you more employable"
Chair: Carmen Pérez 

David Morrison, Director, Curriculo Solutions Ltd
14:30h Students’ Oral Communications on Healthcare and Clinics 
Chairs: Rocío de la Iglesia and Francesca Spyrakis


- Hospital Pharmacy 

- Community Pharmacy

- Molecular Diagnostics

- Clinical Trials / Medicines Agencies

- Clinical Nutrition

- Community Nutrition

- Communication in Health Sciences

16:30h - 17:00h Closing Conference: “Compounding of personalized preparations in pharmacy: challenges and advantages in developing Countries. A.P.P.A.® Project's results.”
Chair: Marina Gallarate and Arianna Binello
Francesca Baratta, Aid Progress Pharmacist Agreement (A.P.P.A.®)
17:00h Awards and Closing
Chairs: Carolina Hurtado and Angela de Simone
  • Currículo Pharmacy

  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry 
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Public Affairs
  • Market Access
  • Marketing
  • Medical Affairs
  • Product development
  • Quality assurance
  • Project management
  • Research in Health Sciences
  • Consulting
  • Hospital pharmacy
  • Community pharmacy
  • Clinical Trials
  • Medicines Agencies
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • Patents
  • Primary Health Care
  • Communication in Health Sciences
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Community Nutrition
  • Food Industry

  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Portugal 
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • UK
  • USA 

AbbVie Abel Nutraceuticals Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética Acqua Sant'Anna S.p.A
  Astra Zeneca Biogen    Caffarel (Lindt Group) Cellomatics 
Cerealto Siro Foods GSK     Olon Bac3Gel Biotech
Cresset Chemo Chiesi Group Choco
Clinic Ricardo Carbonell Cardona / Clinic IMIF Clust-ER Health and Wellbeing Emilia-Romagn Coventry University Cresset
Danone Dompé Elitech Group European Comission
 European Food Information Council (EUFIC) European Research Executive Agency (REA)  FIP ((International Pharmaceutical Federation) Food Standards Agency 
GENOMICA Ghent University GSK Guardant Health
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Hospital de Alcorcón  Hospital Gregorio Marañón     Hywel Dda University Health Board (UK)
ICANS, DeFENS, University of Milan Idorsia Istituto Auxologico Italiano Janssen 
Kyowa Kirin Leonard Cheshire, Cardiff, UK Lonza Mauriziano Hospital
Medicsen Merck Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Neogenomics
Novartis Novo Nordisk Omakase Consulting Ospdedale Mauriziano di Torino
Pfizer Qiagen Biotechnology Roche Diagnostic SILO
Simon Fraser University South Stoke central primary care network pharmacy team Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios Start Up Bac3gel
Theratechnologies Inc Thermo Fisher Scientific Universidad CEU San Pablo University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire
University of Malta University of Torino VIVOLABS Western Health and Social Care Trust
Young Pharmacists Association of Turin (AGIFAR)      
Currículo Pharmacy


Congress of the Spanish Society of Parasitology (SOCEPA)

For the first time, our University will host the bi-annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Parasitology (SOCEPA), which will be held at Madrid Campus, on 5 July, and at the Montepríncipe Campus from 6 to 8 July 2022.

We are looking forward to organising this first post-pandemic face-to-face meeting of the Spanish Society of Parasitology, which represents an important meeting point for Spanish parasitologists accompanied by international researchers from other universities, hospitals, research centres and biotechnology companies such as GSK and Boehringer Ingelheim.

In this edition, we will have grants awarded by the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the USP-CEU to give our undergraduate, master's and doctoral students the opportunity to present their first research and to enjoy a high-level educational and scientific environment.

We hope that this event will be enriching and that it will not only provide an update on different aspects of parasitology, but also encourage new collaborations and relationships between the different research groups and areas of knowledge.

We are waiting for you.

Professor of Parasitology at Universidad CEU San Pablo

Dr. Carmen Del Águila de la Puente

  • European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP)
    European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP)
  • bioNova científica S.L.
    bioNova científica S.L.
  • Universidad CEU San Pablo USPCEU

  • President: Dr. Carmen del Águila de la Puente

  • Secretaries: Dr. Soledad Fenoy Rodríguez and Dr. Ángela Magnet Dávila

  • Universidad San Pablo CEU members:
    • Dr. Fernando Izquierdo Arias
    • Dr. Carolina Hurtado Marcos
    • Dr. Mª Dolores Ollero Baceiredo
    • Dr. Lucianna Vaccaro Muñoz
    • Dr. Elizabeth Valdivieso Blanco

  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid members. Veterinary Parasitology
    • Dr. Guadalupe Miró Corrales
    • Dr. Ángeles Sonia Olmeda García

  • Dr. Carmen del Águila de la Puente
  • Dr. Soledad Fenoy Rodríguez
  • Dr. Ángela Magnet Dávila
  • Dr. Fernando Izquierdo Arias
  • Dr. Carolina Hurtado Marcos
  • Dr. Mª Dolores Ollero Baceiredo
  • Dr. Lucianna Vaccaro Muñoz
  • Dr. Elizabeth Valdivieso Blanco
  • Dr. Guadalupe Miró Corrales
  • Dr. Ángeles Sonia Olmeda García 

  • Ms. Mª Cristina Arias Fernández, Universidad de Vigo
  • Ms. María Dolores Bargues Castelló, Universidad de Valencia
  • Ms. Carmen Cuéllar del Hoyo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Mr. J. Guillermo Esteban Sanchis, Universidad de Valencia
  • Mr. Pedro Fernández Soto, Universidad de Salamanca
  • Mr. José Manuel Leiro Vidal, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Mr. Antonio Marcilla Diaz, Universitat de València-UV e Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe-UV
  • Mr. Alvaro Martinez Moreno, Universidad de Córdoba
  • Mr. Florencio Martínez Ubeira, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Mr. José Manuel Molina Caballero, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • Mr. Francisco Morillas Márquez, Universidad de Granada
  • Ms. Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Mr. Antonio Muro Álvarez, Universidad de Salamanca
  • Mr. Antonio Osuna Carrillo de Albornoz, Universidad de Granada
  • Mr. David Reina Esojo, Universidad de Extremadura
  • Mr. Vicente Roca Velasco, Universidad de Valencia
  • Mr. Rafael Toledo Navarro, Universidad de Valencia
  • Ms. M. Adela Valero Aleixandre, Universitat de Valencia

Congresses already held

International Online Congress-COIL

International Online Congress-COIL

This Congress is the final activity of a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) project. It will include plenary conferences, workshops and oral communications focusing on the main career prospects that Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics degrees offer. The oral communications have been prepared by the students from the organizing universities and are based on interviews with 83 experts from a range of professional sectors. These experts are from 11 countries and work in 68 Institutions.

Who can participate? It is aimed at anyone interested in the career opportunities worldwide in the Health Sector (students, recent graduates, and professionals).

Date: 17th - 18th of June 2022 from 10:00h until 16:00h (Spanish time).





Visit the preliminary program

How to register: the registration is free, but we have limited places. Don’t miss this opportunity and register as soon as possible at:

Register now

Registration deadline: 15th of June.

Organizing committee: Paola Otero Gómez¹, Carmen Pérez García¹, Carolina Hurtado Marcos¹, Francesca Spyrakis², Cinzia Margherita Bertea², Giulia Caron², Sonja Visentin², Robert Davies³, Palma Gharanei³, Maryam Babba³, Rocío de la Iglesia González¹, María Fernanda Rey-Stolle Valcarce¹.

¹Universidad CEU San Pablo; Spain; ²Università degli study di Torino, Italy; ³Coventry University, UK.

Sectores profesionales

  • Pharma and Biotech Industry:
    • Regulatory Affairs
    • Corporate Affairs
    • Marketing
    • Medical Affairs
    • Product Development
    • Quality Assurance
    • Project Management
  • Community Pharmacy
  • Hospital Pharmacy
  • Medicines Agencies
  • Research
  • Consulting
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Patents
  • Primary Care
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Food and Nutrition Communication
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Food Industry
  • Higher Education Teaching


  • Belgium 
  • Canada 
  • Germany 
  • Italy 
  • Malta 
  • Netherlands 
  • Portugal 
  • Spain 
  • Switzerland 
  • UK 
  • USA


AbbVie Abel Nutraceuticals Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética Acqua Sant'Anna S.p.A
  Astra Zeneca Biogen    Caffarel (Lindt Group) Cellomatics 
Cerealto Siro Foods GSK     Olon Bac3Gel Biotech
Cresset Chemo Chiesi Group Choco
Clinic Ricardo Carbonell Cardona / Clinic IMIF Clust-ER Health and Wellbeing Emilia-Romagn Coventry University Cresset
Danone Dompé Elitech Group European Comission
 European Food Information Council (EUFIC) European Research Executive Agency (REA)  FIP ((International Pharmaceutical Federation) Food Standards Agency 
GENOMICA Ghent University GSK Guardant Health
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Hospital de Alcorcón  Hospital Gregorio Marañón     Hywel Dda University Health Board (UK)
ICANS, DeFENS, University of Milan Idorsia Istituto Auxologico Italiano Janssen 
Kyowa Kirin Leonard Cheshire, Cardiff, UK Lonza Mauriziano Hospital
Medicsen Merck Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Neogenomics
Novartis Novo Nordisk Omakase Consulting Ospdedale Mauriziano di Torino
Pfizer Qiagen Biotechnology Roche Diagnostic SILO
Simon Fraser University South Stoke central primary care network pharmacy team Spanish Medicines Agency Start Up Bac3gel
Theratechnologies Inc Thermo Fisher Scientific University CEU San Pablo University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire
University of Malta University of Torino VIVOLABS Western Health and Social Care Trust
Young Pharmacists Association of Turin (AGIFAR)      
International online congress-COIL. 'Your career opportunities worldwide in the sectors of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics'


Spanish Time (GMT+2) Activity  

Opening and Congress Presentation

Chairperson: Francesca Spyrakis. 

Marcella Costa, Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation. University of Torino. Italy.
Ainhoa Uribe Otalora, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation. Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Spain


Brief presentation of the COIL programme

Chairperson: Paola Otero.


Inspirational Talk: Choose your path to make an impact on healthcare.

Chairpersons: Mª Jesús Lago, Paola Otero.

Eduardo W. Jorgensen,  CEO at Medicsen.(CEU Alumni). Spain.


Global Overview of the Pharma-Biotech Industry.

Chairperson: Sonja Visentin

Concepción Serrano, Director of Corporate Affairs Health, and Value. Pfizer. Spain. 
Giuseppe Corbetta, Speciality Business Director. GSK. Italy. 


Global Overview of the Food Industry.

Chairperson: Cinzia Bertea

Luca Mastantuoni,  Laboratory Coordinator, Acqua Sant'Anna S.p.A. Italy.
Francesco Beltritti,  Senior Quality Specialist, Acqua Sant'Anna S.p.A. Italy.

11:45h Break  

Round Table. Hot topics in research in the fields of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics. Research career opportunities worldwide. 

Chairpersons: Maryam Babba, Palma Gharaney

Coral Barbas,  Director of CEMBIO (Center for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis). Director of CEINDO (CEU International School of Doctoral Studies). Universidad San Pablo-CEU. Spain.
Nigel Penny,  Head of Academic Studies at CU Coventry, United Kingdom.
Mayel Gharanei,  Associate Professor and Researcher. Simon Fraser University. Canada.
Elisabet Salas, Research Programme Administrator - European Research Executive Agency, established by the European Commission (CEU Alumni). Belgium.
Walter Carbone, Research and Development Coordinator. ELITechGroup. Italy. 

13:00h Lunch break  

Students’ Oral Communications

Marina Gallarate, Rocío de la Iglesia


  • Marketing
  • Market Access
  • Medical Affairs
  • Project Management and Consulting
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Food Industry
  • Research in Health Sciences
14:00h - 16:00h Closing  



Spanish Time (GMT+2) Activity  


Round table: How Covid-19 has changed the way of working of healthcare professionals?

Chairperons: Francesca Spyrakis, Robert Davies, Cinzia Bertea 

Rosario Cospedal, CEO at GENOMICA (CEU Alumni). Spain.
Annalisa Gasco, Director of the hospital pharmacy of Mauriziano Hospital, Italy.
Giacomo Operti, President of Young Pharmacists Association of Turin (AGIFAR). Italy.
Francesco Bracotti, Commercial Future Leader Programme at GSK, Italy.
Nadezda Kudrjasova, Hywel Dda UHB - Weight Management Dietitian, United Kingdom.
Lilian Azzopardi, FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) AIM Advisory Committee member for European region. Head, Department of Pharmacy. University of Malta, Malta. 


11:00h - 13:00h

Students’ Oral Communications

Chairperons: Carmen Pérez, Angela de Simone


  • Hospital Pharmacy 
  • Community Pharmacy  
  • Clinical Trials / Medicines Agencies 
  • Clinical Nutrition 
  • Community Nutrition 
  • Molecular Diagnostics 
  • Communication in Health Sciences 


13:00h Lunch Break  


How to make a good CV, optimize your Linkedln profile and succeed in a job interview.

Chair: Fernanda Rey-Stolle 

Maider Uriarte, Healthcare&Pharma Career Advisor. Universidad CEU San Pablo, Spain.



Closing Conference. International Cooperation in Health Sciences: Social Justice and Access to Medicines.

Chairperons: Paola Otero, Fernanda Rey-Stolle.

David Roca Biosca, CEO Fundación El Alto Vinaroz. (CEU Alumni). Spain.


15:30h Awards to the best oral communications.

Chairperons: Carolina Hurtado, Maryam Gharaney.

Link to the survey 
16:00h Closing  

International Online Congress-COIL 2021

International Online Congress-COIL 2021

This Congress is the final activity of a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) project. It will include plenary conferences, workshops and oral communications focusing on the main career prospects that Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics degrees offer. The oral communications have been prepared by the students from the organizing universities and are based on interviews with 75 experts from a range of professional sectors. These experts are from 11 countries and work in 64 Institutions.

Who can participate? It is aimed at anyone interested in the career opportunities worldwide in the Health Sector (students, recent graduates, and professionals).

Date: 3 July 2021 (Online on Zoom and Teams) from 8:30h until 16:30h (UK time); from 9:30h until 17:30h (Spanish time).

How to register: the registration is free, but we have limited places. Don’t miss this opportunity and register as soon as possible at:


Registration deadline: 19 June.

Organising committee: Paola Otero Gómez¹, Carmen Pérez García¹, Carolina Hurtado Marcos¹, Francesca Spyrakis², Cinzia Margherita Bertea², Giulia Caron², Sonja Visentin², Robert Davies³, Palma Gharanei³, Maryam Babba³.

¹Universidad CEU San Pablo; Spain; ²Università degli study di Torino, Italy; ³Coventry University, UK.

Professional sector

  • Pharma and Biotech Industry:
    • Regulatory Affairs
    • Corporate Affairs
    • Marketing
    • Medical Affairs
    • Product Development
    • Quality Assurance
    • Project Management
  • Community Pharmacy
  • Hospital Pharmacy
  • Medicines Agencies
  • Research
  • Consulting
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Patents
  • Primary Care
  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Food and Nutrition Communication
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Food Industry
  • Higher Education Teaching


  • Argentina
  • Italy
  • Switzerland
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Portugal
  • USA
  • Israel
  • Spain


3P Biopharmaceuticals CODINMA (Asociación Profesional de Dietistas y Nutricionistas de Madrid) Foundation for Science, Health and Education NeoGenomics Laboratories
Abel Nutraceuticals Columbia University Genómica New York Blood Center
ASEBIO (Asociación Española de Bioindustria) Coventry University GSK Olon
Bac3Gel Biotech Cresset Hospital Clínico San Carlos (IdISSC) Qiagen
BD CSL Behring Hospital Gregorio Marañón Simon Fraser University
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Danone-Nutricia Hospital S. Croce e Carle in Cuneo South Stoke Central-Primary Care Network
Bern University Dompè Hywel Dda University Health Board Agencia española de medicamentos
Biogen Educater Illumina     Fundación Española de la Nutrición (FEN)
Bioserentia ELITechGroup Inocardia UADE
British Dietetic Association Eppendorf     Instituto de Salud Carlos III     Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Caffarel Comisión Europea Istituto Auxologico Italiano Universidad Europea
CEINDO: Escuela internacional del doctorado CEU  Consejo Europeo de Información sobre la Alimentación (EUFIC) Italian Chemical Society Universidad San Pablo CEU
Chiesi Farmaceutici Parlamento Europeo Janssen University La Sapienza
Clinic IMIF     Exenia Group Leonard Cheshire Disability Universidad de Milán
Clinic Ricardo Carbonell Cardona Farma Leaders Talento Merck Universidad de Torino
CNR (Consejo de Investigación Italiano) CNR (Consejo de Investigación Italiano) MSD  
International online congress-COIL. Your career opportunities worldwide in the sectors of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics

Preliminary programme

3 July, 2021


Spanish Time (GMT+2) Activity


Ainhoa Uribe. Vice-Rector for Internationalisation- Universidad CEU San Pablo (USP-CEU)

9:45h- 10:15 h

Inspirational talk: 'Somewhere over the rainbow' is your dream job: Building the path.

Shirley Kutner. Senior Strategic Consultant, Biomed/Biotech, Founder and former Executive Director of Biojerusalem, Israel.

10:30 h -12:00 h

Students Oral Communications on a specific career prospect of:

    Topics: Primary Care and Hospital Pharmacy, Medicines Agencies, Pharmaceutical Industry (Marketing, Patents, Medical Affairs, Quality Assurance) and Research in Pharmacy.
    Topics: Biotech Industry (Marketing and management, Medical Affairs, Market Access, Corporate Affairs, Regulatory Affairs, Research and Product Development), Research and Teaching
    Topics: Clinical Nutrition, Community Nutrition, Food and Nutrition Communication, Food Industry, Research in Nutrition and Dietetics
12:15 h- 13:45 h

Global overview of career prospects by expert professionals in:

  • Pharmacy.
    Luciano Saso: Vice-Rector and Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), President of the UNICA Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe
  • Biotechnology
    Ion Arocena:  General Manager of ASEBIO (Spanish Bioindustry Association)
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
    Luján Soler Santoro:  Dean of CODINMA (Professional Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists in Madrid). Associate professor, Universidad Europea (Spain).
15:00 h Workshop on job search, LinkedIn. By Farma Leaders Talento
16:00 h Round table on: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Communication in Health Sciences
17:00 h Closing

PBA 2017

    XXIV Reunión de Farmacólogos de la Comunidad de Madrid
  • Official Sponsor
    Sociedad Española de Fermacología
  • Official sponsor

Dear participants,

This year, the School of Pharmacy of Universidad CEU San Pablo is pleased to host in its premises the celebration of the XXIV Meeting of Pharmacologists of the Community of Madrid, which will take place at the Montepríncipe Campus on 2 July 2015.

It is an honour for us to be able to participate in the organisation of this event which year after year manages to create a space for communication between young researchers and those with more experience in the area of Pharmacology from all the Universities, hospitals, research centres and pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies in the Community of Madrid.

Montepríncipe Campus is home to both the School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine and therefore, in addition to providing the necessary facilities to ensure the success of the event, aims to welcome participants in an environment of research and teaching in the field of Health Sciences, which we hope will stimulate participation and above all the establishment of professional relationships and future fruitful collaborations.

For all these reasons, we invite you to participate in this Meeting. We look forward to seeing you.

Pascual-Teresa Fernández, Beatriz de

Dean of The School of Pharmacy

Ms. Beatriz Pascual-Teresa Fernández

Dear collegues,

For 23 years now, the pharmacologists of Madrid have been meeting every year for a scientific conference, which we owe to the dedicated efforts of a handful of colleagues, among whom I would like to highlight the leading figure of Professor Antonio García. We already had the honour of organising the 6th conference at Universidad CEU San Pablo in 1997, when just four of us, including professors and fellows from the Pharmacology area, had arrived here. We repeat now, being many more, but with the same enthusiasm for good Science. We hope that on 2 July we will all together build a productive and pleasant day that will be another step forward in the progress of regional pharmacology. Welcome!

Luis Fernando Alguiacil Merino

Catedrático de Farmacología

Mr. Luis Fernando Alguacil Merino

Organising and scientific committee

  • Prof. Luis Fernando Alguacil Merino
  • Prof. Antonio Aguilar Ros
  • Prof. Victoria Cano González
  • Prof. Marta Gil Ortega
  • Prof. Carmen González Martín
  • Prof. Esther Gramage Caro
  • Prof. Gonzalo Herradón Gil-Gallardo
  • Prof. Beatriz Merino Palacios
  • Prof. Lidia Morales Goyanes
  • Prof. Nuria del Olmo Izquierdo
  • Prof. Carmen Pérez García
  • Prof. Fernanda Rey-Stolle Valcarce
  • Prof. Mariano Ruiz Gayo
  • Prof. Beatriz Somoza Hernández


9:00 Handing over of documentation and opening (Assembly Hall)

9:30 Oral communications

  • Session I.A: Neurodegenerative diseases (Assembly Hall)
  • Session I.B: Cardiovascular (Multi-purpose Room 1)
  • Session I.C: New horizons in the study of addictions (Multi-purpose Room 2)
  • Session I.D: Oxidative stress and cellular excitability (Classroom A 1.3.1)

11:15 Coffee break (EPS Cafeteria)

12:00 Oral communications

  • Session II.A: Neurotoxicity and Neuroprotection I (Assembly hall)
  • Session II.B: Inflammation and oxidative stress (Multi-purpose Room 1)
  • Session II.C: Clinical Pharmacology I (Multi-purpose Room 2)

13:00 Plenary conference (Assembly hall)

  • Technological innovation and interdisciplinary approach to the study of Alzheimer's disease. Javier DeFelipe (Instituto Cajal CSIC and Cortical Circuits Laboratory CTB, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid).

14:00 Lunch (Montepríncipe Campus Canteen)


15:30 Oral communications

  • Session III.A: Neurotoxicity and Neuroprotection II (Assembly hall)
  • Session III.B: Lipid metabolism and energy balance (Multi-purpose Room 1)
  • Session III.C: Clinical Pharmacology II (Multi-purpose Room 2)

16:30 Coffe break (EPS Cafeteria)

17:00 Oral communications

  • Session IV.A: Mitochondria and energy metabolism (Assembly hall)
  • Session IV.B: Advances in anti-tumour therapeutics (Multi-purpose Room 1)
  • Session IV.C: Vesicular recycling, exocytosis and synapsis (Multi-purpose Room 2)

18:00 Closing of the meeting


Awards to the best

  • First award: ‘Regulación del ciclo vesicular sináptico por la dinámica del citoesqueleto de actina en neuronas granulares de cerebelo de rata’ presentado por Alberto Rampérez Martín.
  • Second award: ‘ Modulación diferencial de los sistemas glutamatérgico, gabaérgico y endocannabinoide en el complejo basolateral de la amígdala en la incubación del craving de cocaína, heroína y sacarosa’ presentado por David Roura Martínez.

Practical information

Important dates

Inscripciones y envío de resúmenes: 15 May – 15 June 2015
Congress date: 2 July 2015


Congress place

Montepríncipe Campus
Urbanización Montepríncipe
28925 Alcorcón Madrid, España
Telf. 91.372.47.00


  • Organisation
  • Organisation
    Universidad CEU San Pablo


  • Santander
  • Almirall
  • Janssen
  • Lilly
  • GSK
  • Bruker
  • Agilent Technologies
  • Lite Chemicals
  • GalChimia
  • Esteve
  • EFMC

The Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT) www.seqt.org is pleased to announce the XVIIth National Meeting on 'Advances in Drug Discovery: Successes, Trends and Future Challenges', scheduled to be held on October 2-4th in Madrid, Spain.

This event is the most important one in the Spanish Medicinal Chemistry field and is organized biennially in different cities. This year the meeting will be hosted by the Faculty of Pharmacy of CEU San Pablo University and will take place in Madrid City centre (C/ Tutor nº 35), easily accessible from Barajas Airport and from Atocha Rail Station by public transportation.

Accommodation at hotels in the same area will be arranged, so that most of the participants can stay within walking distance of the meeting venue.

The Meeting will cover different topics related to Medicinal Chemistry as the design of drugs, new emerging targets, molecular recognition, chemical biology approaches in drug discovery, epigenetics in medicinal chemistry, predictive tools, diagnostic agents, or labeled ligands employed as pharmacological tools. Oral communications and a poster session will provide the opportunity for all participants to present their current results. To reward high quality contributions, “Best Oral communication and Poster” prize will be delivered at the closing of the Meeting.

Madrid, the capital of Spain is easily reached by air, railway or car from all European countries and October is ideal time to enjoy natural and cultural beauties of the city. We believe that participation XVIIth National Meeting on 'Advances in Drug Discovery: Successes, Trends and Future Challenges' in Madrid will be for you an unforgettable scientific and personal experience.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Madrid!

Pascual-Teresa Fernández, Beatriz de

Dean of The School of Pharmacy

Ms. Beatriz Pascual-Teresa Fernández

Organising commitee

  • Beatriz de Pascual-Teresa (School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)
  • Antoni Torrens (Partnerships in R&D and Strategic Alliances, Esteve, Barcelona)
  • Ana Gradillas (School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)
  • Ana Ramos (School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)
  • Mª Fernanda Rey-Stolle (School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)
  • Ana Castro (CSIC: Institute of Medical Chemistry, Madrid)
  • Ana San Félix (CSIC: Institute of Medical Chemistry, Madrid)
  • José María Zapico (School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid)

Technical Secretary

José Mª Zapico

School of Pharmacy of Universidad CEU San Pablo Urbanización Montepríncipe 28925 Alcorcón Madrid (Spain) Tel: 913724700 Ext. 4723



13:30 Registration

15:30 Opening Coral Barbas, Vicechancellor of Research, CEU-USP; Beatriz de Pascual-Teresa, Organizing Committee, CEU-USP; Antoni Torrens, President SEQT

Javier Rojo/Antoni Torrens

16:00 Inaugural Lecture: "Antibody-Based Therapeutics for Cancer Therapy"
Peter Senter, Seattle Genetics, EEUU

17:00 IS1: “Synthetic biology and smart therapeutic systems”
Guillermo de la Cueva Méndez (BIONAD- Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnología, Málaga, Spain)

17:30 IS2: “Glycofullerenes for Biological Applications”
Nazario Martín León (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

18:00 SEQT Awards

18:30 OC1: “A new strategy to gain selectivity within the gelatinases subfamily”
Benjamin Fabre. (Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain) Ramón Madroñero SEQT Award

20:00 Welcome Cocktail



Mª José Camarasa/Mª Luz López

09:00 IS3: “3D Pharmacophore Models: Efficient Tools for Hit Identification,Lead Optimization, and Ligand Profiling”
Thierry Langer (Prestwick Chemical, Illkirch, France)

09:30 IS4: “Integrating Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding (IMHB) considerations in Drug Discovery using lipophilicity as a Tool”
Giulia Caron (University of Turin, Italy)

10:00 IS5: “Nucleic acids in G-quadruplex conformations as innovative targets against cancer”
Stefano Alcaro (Universitá "Magna Graecia", Catanzaro, Italy)

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 IS6: “ORL-1 Antagonists: Lead Optimization and PET Tracer Development”
Angeles Martínez Grau (Lilly, S.A., Madrid, Spain)

11:30 IS7: “The asymmetric architecture of G protein-coupled receptor heteromers with G proteins explains signalling cross-talk”
Peter McCormick (Universidad de Barcelona)

12:00 Oral Communications
Communications (OC2-OC5)

OC2: “Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Acetaminophen Analogues with Antinociceptive Properties”
Pilar Goya (Instituto de Química Médica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

OC3: “Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Acetaminophen Analogues with Antinociceptive Properties”
Pilar Goya (Instituto de Química Médica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

OC3: “Applications of click chemistry in sphingolipid research”
Antonio Delgado (IQAC-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

OC4: “Computational chemistry for identifying differences among choline kinases active sites”
Lucía Serrán Aguilera (Universidad de Granada, Spain)

OC5: “Impact of fluorination on proteolytic stability of peptides: a case study using α-chymotrypsin and pepsin”
Jeremie Mortier (Free University of Berlin, Germany)

13:00 Lunch


Pilar Goya/Julio Álvarez Builla

15:00 IS8: “Amino Acid-Derived β–Lactams: Synthesis, Biological Activity and Beyond”
Rosario González Muñiz (Instituto de Química Médica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

15:30 OC6: “New non-metathetic processes catalysed by ruthenium complexes for the synthesis of heterocycles”
Javier Pérez-Castells (Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain)

15:45: Poster Session and Coffee

16:45 Oral Communications (OC7-OC8)

OC7: “Merging of pineal neurochemicals. pharmacological profiles and neurogenic potential”
Mario de la Fuente Revenga (Instituto de Química Médica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

OC8: “Drugging the von hippel lindau E3 ubiquitin ligase: potential drugs and useful chemical tools”
Carles Galdeano (University of Dundee, Dundee, UK)

19:30 Cultural evening:
"Discover most unknown Madrid`s old town,even for locals; in a 1,30-1,45 hrs aprox walking tour seeing highlights bringing back its ancient past,legends,alleyways,monuments and curiosities with a fully licensed guides that will make you travel through the time" Underground: Puerta del Sol metro station.



Jordi Gracia/Javier Fernández Gadea

09:00 IS9: “Next-Generation Inhibitors for Kinases, Histone-Deacetylases, and Histone Methyltransferases: The discovery of Slowness”
Gerhard Müller (Mercachem, The Netherlands)

09:30 IS10: “Exploring the kinome with kinase broad screening”
Gary Tresadern (Janssen R&D, Beerse, Belgium)

10:00 IS11: “Antibiotic Treatment of Tuberculosis: Old Problems, New Solutions”
Mónica Cacho Izquierdo (GlaxoSmithKline, Madrid, Spain)

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Oral Communications (OC9-OC12)

OC9: "Design of mycobacterium tuberculosis shikimate kinase inhibitors inspired by the enzymatic movements for catalytic turnover”
Verónica Prado (CIQUS, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

OC10: “From hit to lead in search of new inhibitors of the enzyme isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (ICMT)”
Silvia Ortega-Gutiérrez (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

OC11: “Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclic acylguanidines as bace-1 inhibitors: effect of ring size on activity and selectivity versus BACE-2”
Myriam Ciordia (Janssen Pharmaceutical Research & Development, Toledo, Spain)

OC12: “-Omics tools for studying changes in metabolic pathways of new drugs”
Isidre Masana (Agilent Technologies)

12:00 SEQT Meeting

13:00 Lunch


Concepción González Bello/Antonio Pineda

15:00 IS12: “ETP-CNIO Academic Early Drug Discovery: PIM Kinase Inhibitors”
Joaquín Pastor (CNIO- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain)

15:30 OC13 “Different levels of apoptosis caused by enantiomers in breast cancer cells”
Joaquín M. Campos (Universidad de Granada, Spain)

15:45: Poster Session and Coffee

16:45 Oral Communications (OC14-OC16)

OC14: “Tumor vascular disrupting agents: identification and optimization of novel hits”
Mª Dolores Canela (Instituto de Química Médica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

OC15: “3-Substituted indole derivatives as antimitotic agents”
Raquel Álvarez Lozano (Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain)

OC16: “Chemical biology for drug discovery: two case studies in drug repurposing”
Jordi Quintana (Parc Científic de Barcelona, Spain)

17:30 Concluding Remarks. Poster and Oral Communication Awards

21:00 Gala Dinner
Gala dinner will be held in "La Posada de la Villa”, a classic Spanish restaurant in Madrid. It is included in the distinguished Michelin Guide) and has been awarded in many occasions: Grand Collar Gourmet, the Chaîne des Rotisseurs, etc.

Posada de la Villa Restaurant C/ Cava Baja, 9. Underground: La Latina metro station. 

Important information about posters:

  • Poster session 1: Thursday October 3rd 15:45-16:45: ODD numbers
  • Poster session 1: Friday October 4th 15:45-16:45: EVEN numbers

Confirmed Speakers

  • Antibody-Based Therapeutics for Cancer Therapy
    Dr. Peter SENTER

    Dr. Peter Senter. PhD in Chemistry from the University of Illinois followed by postdoctoral research at the Max-Planck Institute in Göttingen, Germany. He joined Seattle Genetics in 1998 and has served as Vice President, Chemistry since September 2002. Dr. Senter is responsible for research programs covering antibody-drug conjugates, anticancer prodrugs, and protein engineering. Before joining Seattle Genetics, he held positions at Cytokine Networks, Bristol Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute, and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Senter is an Affiliate Professor in Bioengineering at the University of Washington and is the Senior Editor of Bioconjugate Chemistry, an ACS journal. He has authored more than 130 scientific publications and holds more than 40 patents

  • Amino Acid-Derived β–Lactams: Synthesis, Biological Activity and Beyond
    Dr. Rosario GONZÁLEZ-MUÑIZ
    (IQM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

    Dr. Rosario González-Muñiz, Ph.D. in chemistry from Madrid Autónoma University, and post-doctoral stay at René Descartes University (Paris V). She is scientific researcher at the Medicinal Chemistry Institute (IQM-CSIC), where she was the Deputy Director (2005-2011). Specialist in peptides, peptidomimetics and bioactive small-molecules, her recent research interests include the design and synthesis of new modulators of protein-protein interactions and different types of ion channels.

  • 3D Pharmacophore Models: Efficient Tools for Hit Identification,Lead Optimization, and Ligand Profiling
    Dr. Thierry LANGER
    (PRESTWICK CHEMICAL, Illkirch, France)

    Dr. Thierry Langer, CEO and President of Prestwick Chemical, is a well known scientist in the drug discovery field. Former Professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at Innsbruck University (Austria), and co-founder of the software company Inte:Ligand GmbH (Vienna, Austria), he is author of more than 160 original papers in the field of computational medicinal chemistry.

  • Integrating Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding (IMHB) considerations in Drug Discovery using lipophilicity as a Tool
    Dr. Giulia CARON
    (UNIVERSITY OF TURIN, Turin, Italy)

    Dr. Giulia Caron is assistant professor at University of Turin. She has a broad experience in the design, synthesis and phisycochemical characterization of biologically active molecules. Her recent research is focused on in silico techniques, applying QSAR and ADMET predictions in drug design and related areas. She is coauthor of more than 50 publications.

    More details at en.unito.it

  • Nucleic acids in G-quadruplex conformations as innovative targets against cancer
    Dr. Stefano ALCARO
    (UNIVERSITÁ "MAGNA GRAECIA", Catanzaro, Italy)

    Stefano Alcaro is full professor of Medicinal Chemistry affiliated at the Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Università Magna Graecia di Catanzaro (Italy). He uses innovative computational techniques in rational drug discovery projects against anticancer targets (PTPRJ, DNA duplex and G-quadruplex) and other enzymes (HIV-1 RT, COX 1/2 and MAO A/B). He is co-author of about 110 publications.

  • Glycofullerenes for Biological Applications
    Dr. Nazario MARTÍN LEÓN

    Dr. Nazario Martín is full professor at the UCM. His research interests span a range of targets with emphasis on the chemistry of fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphenes, π-conjugated systems as molecular wires, and electroactive molecules. He has been the recipient of the “Dupont Prize of Science” in 2007, the “Gold Medal and Research Award” by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry in 2012, the national “Jaime I Award for basic research” 2012, the “EuCheMS Lecture Award” in 2012, and more recently the “Alexander von Humboldt Award” .

  • ORL-1 Antagonists: Lead Optimization and PET Tracer Development
    Dr. Angeles MARTÍNEZ GRAU
    (LILLY, S.A., Madrid, Spain)

    Dr. María Angeles Martínez Grau. Senior Research Advisor at Eli Lilly. PhD in Organic Chemistry by the UCM, she recieved the National Prize for Young Scientists (1995). After a postdoctoral stay at University of Pittsburgh, she joined Lilly in 1998. She has held different positions in the company, both in Madrid and Indianapolis, and has contributed to the delivery of 8 clinical candidates in the areas of Neuroscience, Obesity and Diabetes. She currently leads a group of 11 Medicinal Chemistry scientists working in Diabetes projects.

  • Synthetic biology and smart therapeutic systems
    Dr. Guillermo de la CUEVA
    (BIONAD- Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnología, Málaga, Spain)

    Dr. Guillermo de la Cueva Méndez is currently responsible and group leader of the Area of Therapeutic Nanosystems at the Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnología (BIONAND). His research group is focused on the development of intelligent biological drugs and therapeutic nanosystems by means of Synthetic Biology. He graduated in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the UAM and obtained the PhD at CIB-CSIC. After a postdoctoral stay at the Wellcome/Cancer Research Campaign Institute (Cambridge, UK), he joined the Hutchison/MRC Research Centre (Cambridge, UK) as Principal Investigator, until his recent incorporation to BIONAD.

  • Next-Generation Inhibitors for Kinases, Histone-Deacetylases, and Histone Methyltransferases: The discovery of Slowness
    Dr. Gerhard MÜLLER
    (MERCACHEM, The Netherlands)

    Dr. Gerhard Müller is Senior Vice President Medicinal Chemistry at Mercachem. PhD in Organic Chemistry by the Technical University of Munich, he has worked in different pharmaceutical companies, and on a wide range of target classes from numerous disease areas, always emphasizing target family-centric medicinal chemistry approaches. Over the last 10 years he specialized in kinase inhibitor research establishing novel design paradigms, proven by numerous publications.

  • Antibiotic Treatment of Tuberculosis: Old Problems, New Solutions
    (GLAXOSMITHKLINE, Madrid, Spain)

    Dr. Mónica Cacho Izquierdo is Principal Scientist at TB DPU, Tres Cantos Medicines Development Center, GlaxoSmithKline. PhD in Organic Chemistry by the Universidad of San Pablo CEU (USP-CEU). After a post-doctoral stay at the University of Nottingham, she joined the USP-CEU as Profesor Colaborador. Later she moved to Noscira S.A., then to the Instituto de Química Médica (CSIC) and finally to GSK. Her research work covers several diseases (cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer) and targets (DNA topoisomerase, CDK-1, adrenomomedullin, reverse transcriptase). Currently her work is focused on the discovery of new anti-tuberculars.

  • ETP-CNIO Academic Early Drug Discovery: PIM Kinase Inhibitors
    Dr. Joaquín PASTOR
    (CNIO- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain)

    Dr. Joaquín Pastor, Ph.D. in Chemistry by the University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH). Postdoctoral stage (1994-1998) at The Scripps Research Institute (Prof. K.C. Nicolaou group). Back in Spain, he joined Janssen (J&J PRD) as head of the HTMC group and acting as team leader in different projects/therapeutic areas such as CNS, metabolic disorders and oncology, collaborating in the progression of compounds to NME stage. In 2008 he joined CNIO, and since 2011 he is Director of the Programme leading the drug discovery activities of the CNIO. He is author and co-author of more than 70 scientific publications and patents in the field of drug discovery.

  • The asymmetric architecture of G protein-coupled receptor heteromers with G proteins explains signalling cross-talk
    Dr. Peter J. McCORMICK
    (UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, Barcelona, Spain)

    Dr. Peter J. McCormick. Bachelors in Science from Washington University in St. Louis. PhD in Biochemistry from Texas A&M University followed by postdoctoral research at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. He obtained a Ramon y Cajal in 2009 and moved to the University of Barcelona where he is a group leader in the Molecular Neurobiology group. His work involves the identification and understanding of G-protein coupled receptor heterodimers.

  • Exploring the kinome with kinase broad screening
    Dr. Gary TRESADERN
    (JANSSEN R&D, Beerse, Belgium)

    Dr. Gary Tresadern currently heads the Molecular Informatics (MI) group at Janssen R&D in Belgium . Gary joined Janssen in 2005 as a computational chemist and molecular modeller and has contributed to multiple discovery projects reaching clinical evaluation. He has a particular interest in hit and lead generation, GPCRs, Kinases, and virtual screening. He graduated with a PhD in computational chemistry from the University of Manchester in 2003 and worked in the UK for Tripos Discovery Research from 2002 to 2005. He is co-author of 24 scientific articles, 2 book-chapters and co-inventor on 13 published patent applications.







Practical information


Registration opening date: May, 2013

Deadline Abstract submission: September 6th, 2013

Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection: middle of September , 2013


The XVII SEQT National Meeting will be hosted by the Pharmacy Faculty of CEU San Pablo University: C/ Tutor 35, 2800 8 Madrid.

Booking requests should be made directly to your preferred hotel via the online booking form or via e-mail. Please, indicate your attendance to the meeting.
Direct payment must be made by the customer at the hotel when booking.
These prices will remain in effect until September.


Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. Madrid is considered one of the top European destinations concerning art museums. The museums Del Prado, Reina Sofia or Thyssen have some of the most fantastic collections of famous Spanish painters like Velazquez, Goya, Picasso or Miro. Madrid possesses a wealth of cultural attractions; it is full of great monuments, like the Royal Palace, the Plaza Mayor or the many statues all around the city.

If you like to be entertained, Madrid has two big amusements parks, the Parque de Atracciones and the Warner Bros Park and there are regular international concerts, big flea markets, parades and other activities going on.

Madrid is passionate about sport. Whether you want to enjoy a major sporting event or practise a particular sport, you will be spoilt for choice.

Madrid is also a thrilling city with hundreds of theatre shows, opera, dancing and countless other forms of nightlife.

Visit http://www.esmadrid.com/en/portal.do for further details.


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Kineanthropometry is the area of science concerned with the measurement of human body composition. Changes in lifestyles, nutrition, physical activity levels and ethnic composition of populations lead to changes in body dimensions. By measuring the human body and determining its capacity for function and movement in a wide range of areas, kinanthropometry is the link between anatomy and movement.

Course aimed at:

Students and Professionals in: Human Nutrition and Dietetics; Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Medicine, Phisiotherapy, Nuirsing; Anthropology, Ergonomics, etc.


  • To know the history, evolution, and development of kinanthropometry at national and international level.
  • To know the different applications of kinanthropometry.
  • To master the technique of measuring the different anthropometric variables with the restricted profile (level 1).
  • To train anthropometrists who work with quality, precision and in a standardised manner.


  • Theoretical
    • History of ISAK. ISAK International Accreditation Scheme.
    • Body's composition.
    • Proxemia and Ethics.
    • Instruments: handling and calibration of the equipment.
    • Anthropometric points restricted profile (level 1)
    • Take anthropometric measurements of the restricted profile (level 1)
    • Technical measurement error.
  • Practical
    • Handling of anthropometric equipment (skinfold caliper, anthropometric tape and pachymeter).
    • Marking of anthropometric reference points of the restricted profile. 
    • Methodology for taking measurements. 


At the end of the course, candidates must pass a practical and theoretical exam, where they demonstrate their level of knowledge, precision and accuracy.

Upon completion of the course, candidates must complete 20 anthropometric profiles (measuring 20 people) and submit the results to the course director within 4 months of completing the course. If the accuracy is satisfactory, they will be awarded ISAK Certification, valid for 4 years and 4 months.

Requirements for ISAK certification

  • 100% attendance at the course.
  • Pass with a minimum grade of 80 % in the two theoretical and practical exams to be held on the last day of the course. The results of this assessment will be given on the day of the exam.
  • Complete the measurement of 20 complete anthropometric profiles within the established deadlines (level 1: 4 months; level 2: 6 months) from the end of the course.

Director of the course

Dr. Ángela García González
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (Universidad CEU-San Pablo). Anthropometrist level 3-ISAK, Member of the Spanish Group in Cineanthropometry.


  • Dr. Natalia Úbeda Martín. Natalia Úbeda Martín. Full Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (Universidad CEU-San Pablo). Anthropometrist level 2-ISAK. 
  • Dr. Teresa Partearroyo Cediel. Collaborating Professor Doctor Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (Universidad CEU-San Pablo). Antropometrista nivel 2-ISAK.

Meeting place

  • School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU-San Pablo-Madrid
    Urb Montepríncipe, Av Montepríncipe s/n 28925 Alcorcón
    28925 Alcorcón Madrid, Spain.
    Telf. 91.372.47.00
  • School of Pharmacy, Universidad CEU-San Pablo-Madrid
    Urb Montepríncipe, Av Montepríncipe s/n 28925 Alcorcón
    28925 Alcorcón Madrid, Spain.
    Telf. 91.372.47.00
  • Buses
    571, 573, 574
  • Light rail
    L3 (Montepríncipe)