Facultad de Farmacia
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
School of pharmacy


Research Seminars

Research Seminars are a series of Conferences and Congresses (in spanish and english) arranged by the School of Pharmacy that allow students to acquire allow students to acquire knowledge in different areas and thus complement the training programme according to the student's professional interest, as well as consolidate their English language skills.

Responsible: Nuria del Olmo Izquierdo

Date Speaker Topic
25 October 2016 Nuria Montserrat Dreaming with organ regeneration: new hopes for regenerative medicine
12 December 2016 David Baeza Research in an SME 
19 December 2016 Carmen González Martín Setting up a Translational Research Unit
30 January 2017 Peter F. Hitchcock Identifying drug targets that will inhibit CNS degeneration or stimulate CNS regeneration
6 February 2017 Lourdes Samaniego Food fortification with folic acid as a public health measure: Light and shadow
13 February 2017 Nuria del Olmo Effects of intermittent and excessive alcohol administration on learning and memory processes
20 February 2017 Lucciana Vaccaro First cases of Legionella non- pneumophila
23 February 2017 Josefa Zaldívar The adventures of a CEU student at Harvard
27 February 2017 Maria Isabel Panadero Fructose and fetal programming of metabolic syndrome
6 March 2017 Javier Pérez Castell Synthesis of lanthanide-coordinated sugars and their use to investigate protein-carbohydrate interaction processes
13 March 2017 Mariano Ruiz-Gayo Role of cholecystokinin in adipose tissue metabolism
27 March 2017 Coral Barbas To be confirmed
3 April 2017 Pedro Antonio Jiménez Multi-resistance to antibiotics and Quorum sensing modulation - Quorum Quenching 
24 April 2017 Sara Bueno

Myopia control with contact lenses

8 April 2017 Luis Fernando Alguacil

Opiate addiction

Courses and networks

  • COST Action – BM1003 Microbial cell surface determinants of virulence as targets for new therapeutics in Cystic Fibrosis
    The main aim of BM1003 action is to create an integrated network of excellence involving collaboration between experts in the multi-disciplinary fields of science required for understanding microbial cell surface determinants of virulence, antibiotic resistance and inflammation.

    Cystic fibrosis disease
    Cystic fibrosis (CF) causes constitutive inflammation in many organs and it particularly affects the lung. Chronic airway inflammation with chronic bacterial infections becomes established in most patients and it may lead to lung damage, destruction and eventually death. The bacterial factors and the molecular mechanisms which provoke inflammation in the respiratory epithelium of cystic fibrosis patients remain unclear. This topic is tackled using a coordinated and interdisciplinary approach by joining efforts by 16 European Countries, being Universidad CEU San Pablo member of the Management Committee. Competencies range from chemistry to microbiology and medicine. This multi- and inter-disciplinary approach is aimed at enabling the development of novel antibacterial inhibitors for anti-inflammatory therapy in cystic fibrosis patients.

    Reasons for the Action
    The major reasons for launching this Action are to rapidly develop novel therapies for CF and non-CF patient groups at risk for lung infections with opportunistic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. This aim will be achieved by the coordination of researchers into a European network of the already funded national research. Networking will also avoid repetition or duplication of scientific work and thus spare valuable resources of prior isolated research groups in Europe. We will create a defined panel of clinically relevant bacterial pathogens as an open user resource. This COST Action will enable researchers to develop novel inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis with the aim to reduce lung inflammation in CF airways and to eradicate the pathogens with novel treatment strategies. This will increase the life expectancy of the CF patients. The pathogens that will be studied are also known to affect other patient groups including patients with immunodeficiencies such as burns patients and ventilated patients in critical care units. Also in these large patient groups, mortality due to respiratory infections is high. Improvement in knowledge of bacterial pathogenesis would have important implications for these patient groups, the quality of life of affected individual, and with the potential to reduce the inappropriate use of currently administered antibiotics, which increase the number of resistant pathogens in the European community.


Chemistry Olympics (XXXIV Edition)

Olimpiadas de Química XXXIV Edición