Escuela Politécnica Superior
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
Institute of Technology

Get to know the school

Presentation of the Director

Dear future EPS student:

If you are reading this, it is probably because you have a passion for Architecture or Engineering, and you wish to practice one of these professions in the future. In the current economic and professional circumstances, you should know that, when you graduate, exercising these professions will mean, in most cases, working with international teams of architects and engineers in projects that will be developed, in many cases, in geographical and cultural areas very different from the Spanish one.

For this reason, it is very important to make sure that the training you are going to receive prepares you adequately for a progressive and irreversible professional internationalisation, and that this training is of the highest quality, in order to compete in the best possible conditions in a professional market that is already global.

In the case of Architecture, this orientation in the training of future architects, who are passionate about their profession, takes the form of a training programme in which students are free to choose which language, Spanish or English, they wish to study (el Grado de Arquitectura or the Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, respectively). In addition, students who demonstrate to us a minimum knowledge of English, and a very high academic performance, will be able to carry out part of their studies in foreign universities, in an international extension of their studies. In addition, you should know that our Architecture studies have been positively evaluated by the NAAB (National Architectural Accrediting Board of the United States); for more information about our accreditation, follow this link.

Alongside the Bachelor of Architecture, which, as we have said, can be taken entirely in English, and which offers full competencies for the practice of the profession of Architect without the need to take any qualifying postgraduate course (Master's), we offer a new Bachelor of Interior Design, with a pathway specifically designed for architects who wish to complement their studies in this field. In addition, the EPS Architecture Division's own degrees in Digital Fabrication (in collaboration with MIT) and Sustainability and Energy Efficiency (in collaboration with the Green Building Council of Spain) have been added to the offer of the EPS Architecture Division.

With regard to Telecommunications Engineering, we want to place our educational emphasis on achieving a generalist training in the ICT sector that includes, in addition to the technical aspects, a strong orientation towards innovation processes, entrepreneurship and business. This degree is followed by a Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MUIT: Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering).

Since the 2013/2014 academic year, we have been committed to training Biomedical Engineers, engineering professionals oriented towards the application of their own methodologies of analysis and design to the field of biomedicine. We started this endeavour with a Bachelor's Degree, which will be followed by a Master's Degree. As a differential element, we envisage involving students, from the beginning of their studies, in training activities directly related to research, as we believe that these professionals are called to lead applied research in a large part of the biomedical field. Logically, the professional we are thinking of is oriented towards international and globalised markets, so the training programme we have designed is necessarily bilingual.

Since the 2013/2014 academic year, we have also offered a Double Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. With this unique offer in the Spanish university market, we seek to satisfy students who wish to train professionally, and simultaneously, in the field of ICT and Bioengineering.

Finally, since the 2014/2015 academic year, we have included in our offer a new Degree in Information Systems Engineering, which can be taken simultaneously, at the Montepríncipe Campus, with ADE or with Telecommunications Systems Engineering. Information systems are the technological support for the economic activity of companies, whether they are SMEs or large multinationals. The Information Systems Engineer is in charge of designing these systems. Since the 2015/2016 academic year, this degree can be combined with the Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering; with this double degree you will acquire a premium training in the area of ICT, without competition in the market.

I hope to see you soon at the EPS.

EPS Director (Instiute of Technology)

Santiago de Molina

Why to study at the Institute of Technology (EPS)?

a living school

The Institute of Technology (EPS) organises a wide range of value-added activities as a fundamental part of its academic excellence programme. In this sense, master classes are arranged for Professors and invited architects of national and international renown such as Rafael Moneo, John Barton (Stanford University) or Charles Waldheim, of Harvard University, joint studios with Universities such as Massachussetts Institute of Technology, visits and study trips to other countries of Europe, Asia and America, competitions and other complementary activities that perfect and complete the training acquired in the classroom.


In the EPS, we believe that academic training must be guided and focus on personal and academic tutors, key for the correct educational development of each student.

On the one hand, the personal tutor forges a bond between the School and the students themselves, following up their activity and advising them on how to how to approach the course and how to deal successfully with the problems related to their time at the school. On the other hand, the academic tutors are lecturers in the courses the students take, and are always available for students to solve out doubts on the courses content or to develop certain aspects they may struggle with, This prevents them from losing pace.


The students require a balanced training in all Architecture’s own disciplines: technical, humanistic and project-oriented. Each of them requires its own working and learning process and our school seeks the adaptation of each student to all of them. This requirement is achieved because groups are under 45/50 students, so that Professors can focus on a personalised manner to each of them when they need it. All subjects offer a tutorial action. Many technical subjects also offer specific internship programmes.

In subjects with a workshop structure (drawing, computer graphics laboratories for first years, project workshops and town-planning which follow one after the other throughout the course, workshops on construction, structures, and installations in the final years of the course) each group has two Professors simultaneously, an aspect that encourages students debates and critical thinking, and that the school considers key as a pedagogic tool.


Previous preparatory courses are organised, for new students during their Baccalaureate, during the first weeks of the academic year (0 years). Additionally, tutorial action is completed with complementary courses in some subject, in case students need some additional effort during the academic year.

The EPS Summer School arranges specific bilingual courses aimed at students in the university entrance phase, for an introduction to architecture.

The technological pre-university programme, held between the CEU Group schools of Madrid, consist of a series of seminars on innovative topics of the technological kind prepared for first and second-year students of Baccalaureate. All these activities are eminently practical and applied and aim to stimulate high school students towards technological disciplines.


EPS Professors have progressively been updating and adapting to the EHEA since the 2001 academic year, when the renewed plan starts being taught that will commence its extinction during the academic year. As well as making it compulsory for the different subjects to assess students on a continuous basis, introducing specific internship programmes, incorporating New Technologies into teaching in a decisive manner and planning teaching work, the teaching staff have also been trained within the Plato programme, in collaboration with Harvard University, in new techniques for structuring classroom teaching and improving student performance, stimulating (especially in theoretical teaching, where this tradition did not exist) the use of methods for the development of directed classes (case method).

Teaching/Research Synergy

The PhD lecturers at our School have initiated research projects that are being opened up to student participation. In Architecture, research lines related to accessibility, sustainable urban development, the properties of construction materials and their application to building structures and the energy evaluation of buildings are being promoted.

At present, the School has laboratories for construction materials and procedures, building structures and installations. In this academic year, a research project has been developed on the integral design of efficient buildings and systems (BALI).

The EPS participates in the AEI Cerámica consortium (Innovative Business Grouping of the Industrial Sector of Structural Ceramics), a cluster in which companies from the sector, universities and research centres participate.

Proyección Internacional

En la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS), la internacionalización es un pilar fundamental en la formación de nuestros estudiantes. Por eso, ofrecemos a nuestros estudiantes la oportunidad de vivir experiencias internacionales que amplíen su formación y les preparen para un futuro sin fronteras. A través de acuerdos con universidades y centros de investigación de prestigio en Europa, América y Asia, pueden estudiar en el extranjero, hacer prácticas en empresas tecnológicas de referencia o participar en proyectos internacionales.

Además, contamos con programas de intercambio, dobles titulaciones y estancias académicas, así como competiciones tecnológicas y programas de verano en universidades extranjeras. Todo ello pensado para que nuestros alumnos desarrollen una visión global, se adapten a entornos multiculturales y afronten con éxito los retos de un mercado laboral cada vez más internacional.


Our facilities

  • EPS
  • Virtual Reality Laboratory
    Virtual Reality Laboratory
    Laboratorio de Electrónica
  • FabLab
  • Workshop
  • Shapes Laboratory
    Shapes Laboratory
  • Naab Room
    Naab Room
  • Naab Room
    Naab Room
  • Structures Laboratory
    Laboratorio de Esctructuras
  • Strcutures Laboratory
    Structures Laboratory
  • Cafeteria
  • Hall
    EPS - Hall
  • Aula Polivalente
    EPS - Aula Polivalente
  • Biblioteca
    EPS - Biblioteca
  • Exterior
    EPS - Exterior
  • Papelería
    EPS - Papelería
  • Proyectos de fin de carrera
    EPS - Proyectos de fin de carrera
  • Sala de Formas
    EPS - Sala de Formas
  • Study Area
    Study Area