Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Logo Universidad CEU San Pablo
School of Economics and Business


Dean's Office

Ricardo J. Palomo Zurdo

Dean of the School of Economics and Business

Dr. Ricardo J. Palomo Zurdo

Isabel Lima Pinilla

Vice-Dean for Teachings, Professors, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Promotion

Dr. Ms. Isabel Lima Pinilla

Manuel M. Molina López

Vicedecano Alumnos, Relaciones Internacionales, Investigación y Gerencia

Dr. D. Manuel M. Molina López

Sonia Rodríguez Sánchez

Academic Secretary

Dr. Ms. Sonia Rodríguez Sánchez

Directors and Coordinators of Degrees and Programmes

Directors of Bachelor’s Degrees

Cristina Isabel Dopacio

Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy + Business Administration and Management and Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering of Computing Systems + Business Administration and Management

Dr. Ms. Cristina Isabel Dopacio

José Manuel Maneiro Jurgo

Director del Grado en Economía

Dr. D. José Manuel Maneiro Jurjo

Miryam Martínez Martínez

Directora del Grado en Marketing y Gestión Comercial, Grado en Marketing+Comunicación Digital y el Grado en Publicidad+Marketing y G.Comercial

Dra. Dña. Miryam Martínez Martínez

Irene Marroquín Alonso Directora del Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios

Directora del Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios, Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios+ADE, Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios+ECO (Mención Finanzas) y Grado en Inteligencia de Negocios+ Comunicación Digital

Dra. Dña. Irene Marroquín Alonso

Coordinators of Bachelor’s Degrees and Programmes

Begoña Torrente Barredo

Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management + Marketing and Commercial Management

Dr. Ms. Begoña Torrente Barredo

Roberto Atanes Torres

Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management and Marketing

Mr. Roberto Atanes Torres [BIO]

Alberto Blázquez Pérez

Coordinador del Programa de Excelencia

D. Alberto Blázquez Pérez

María Cortejoso Lino

IBP Boston International Business Certificate Academic Coordinator

Mrs. María Cortejoso Lino

Sara Lorenzo Ros

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Sara Lorenzo Ros

Elizabeth Frank

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Elizabeth Frank

Gloria Aznar

International Relations Academic Coordinator

Ms. Gloria Aznar Fernández-Montesinos

Directors and Coordinators of Master's Degrees

Antonio Calvo Bernadino

Director of the Master’s degree in Financial Markets and Asset Management

Dr. Mr. Antonio Calvo Bernadino

Eduardo Alcalde Gutiérrez

Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Financial Markets and Asset Management

Dr. Mr. Eduardo Alcalde Gutiérrez

Juan Carlos García Villalobos

Director of the Exclusive Master’s degree in Digital Marketing Digital and Social Media

Dr. Mr. Juan Carlos García Villalobos

Coral Cenizo Ruiz Bravo

Coordinadora del Máster de Formación Permanente en Marketing Digital y Redes Sociales

Dra. Dña. Coral Cenizo Ruiz-Bravo

Committee of Honour

The School's Committee of Honour, created in 2014, is made up of the personalities who have been "Godfathers" or "Godmothers" at the graduation ceremonies of the consecutive graduating classes of students of the School of Economics and Business of Universidad CEU San Pablo, since the year in which this tradition began.

The School, students and alumni would like to acknowledge the contribution and the transmission of the wise advice that the experience of these personalities has allowed them to provide to graduates, graduates and graduates.

Presidente de KPMG

Juan José Cano Ferrer

Curso 2022-2023

Subgobernadora del Banco de España

Margarita Delgado

Curso 2021-2022

Presidenta de FUJITSU en España, Portugal y Latinoamérica - Antigua alumna CEU de la Facultad de Económicas

Ms. Ángeles Delgado López

Curso 2018 - 2019

General Director of Burger King Spain & Portugal - CEU Allumnus from the School of Economics

Mr. Borja Hernández de Alba

Academic Year 2017 - 2018

Vice-President of Coca-cola’s Global Marketing for Europe, Africa and Middle East - CEU Allumnus from the School of Economics

Ms. Cristina Bondolowski

Academic Year 2016 - 2017

Director of the Europe and Africa Region of Heidrick & Struggles - CEU Alumnus of the School of Economics

Mr. Luis Urbano Santiago

Academic Year 2015 - 2016

Presidente y CEO de LG España - Antiguo alumno CEU de la Facultad de Derecho

Mr. Jaime de Jaraíz Lozano

Curso 2014 - 2015

Chief Executive Officer of Telefónica S.A. - CEU Alumnus of the School of Economics

Mr. José María Álvarez-Pallete López

Academic Year 2013 - 2014

Chief Executive Officer of Bankinter - CEU Alumnus of the Law School

Ms. Mª Dolores Dancausa Treviño

Academic Year 2012 - 2013

Minister of Finance and Public Administration - CEU Alumnus of the School of Economics

Ms. Cristóbal Montoro Romero

Academic Year 2011 - 2012

President of Grupo Villar Mir and of OHL

Mr. Juan Miguel Villa Mir

Academic Year 2010 - 2011

General Director of Coca-Cola Spain - CEU Alumnus of the Law School

Mr. Fernando Amenedo Ferreiro

Academic Year 2009 - 2010

General of the Institute of Economic Studies - CEU Alumnus of the School of Economics

Mr. Juan E. Iranzo Martín

Academic Year 2008 - 2009

Extraordinary Professor of Universidad CEU San Pablo

Mr. Pedro Schwatz Girón

Academic Year 2007 - 2008

President of MAPFRE

Mr. José Manuel Martínez Mastínez

Academic Year 2006 -2007

Professor Emeritus Universidad CEU San Pablo – Príncipe de Asturias Award for Social Sciences

Mr. Juan Velarde Fuertes

Academic Year 2005 - 2006

President of Ernst & Young Spain

Mr. José Miguel Andrés Torrecillas

Academic Year 2004 - 2005

Dean President of the Madrid College of Economists

Mr. Manuel Lagares Calvo

Academic Years 2003 - 2004

Independent Advisor of Santander Bank - CEU Alumnus of the Law School

Mr. Guillermo de la Dehesa Romero

Academic Year 2002 - 2003

National Director of Personnel of Unilever Spain, S.A.

Mr. Pedro Blázquez Izquierdo

Academic Year 2001 - 2002

President of the Competition Court

Mr. Gonzalo Solana González

Academic Year 2000 - 2001

President of the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr. Juan Luis Mato Rodríguez

Academic Year 1999 - 2000

Advisory Committee

President of the Spanish Association of Executives and Financiers (AEEF)

Mr. César Arranz Soler


Mr. Oscar Fernández de Llano

Secretary Of the Advisory Committee – Full Professor of the School of Economics and Business

Ms. Mª del Carmen García Centeno

Ernst & Young Consulting Partner

Mr. Sergio Garrido Villalba


Mr. Fernando González de Zulueta

Human Resources Director of Mutua Madrileña

Mr. Rafael Gonzáles-Palanzuela Gonzalez-Villegas

General Director of the Institute of Economics

Mr. Gregorio Izquierdo Llanes

Human Resources Director of Generali Spain

Mr. Alberto Ogando García

General Director of the Institute of Spanish Actuaries

Mr. Javier Olaechea Ibañez

Deloitte Partner

Mr. Ignacio Ortiz del Río Blas

Managing Director. Head of EMEIA REDAPTIVE

Ms. Mariola Pina Blas

General Director of Transmediterránea

Mr. Mario Quero Gil

CFO Finance IT Supply QA Grupo Vips

Mr. Jesús Soto Cantero

Director of Orange Espagne S.A.

Mr. Luis Alberto de Torres Iglesias

Partner Director NIOBIUM, S.L.

Mr. Raúl Vázquez Pérez

Chief Executive Officer of Generali Spain

Mr. Santiago Villa Ramos



The Department of Economics is made up of 35 lecturers, 90 % of whom are accredited PhDs and are assigned to three areas of knowledge:

  • Applied Economics
  • Fundamentals of Economic Analysis
  • Economic History and Institutions

Director of the Department of Economics

Ms. María Jesús Arroyo Fernández

Economía Aplicada

Secretario del Departamento

Mr. Pedro Fernández Sánchez

Profesor Email Perfil
Área - Economía Aplicada
Alcalá Santaella Oria De Rueda, Pablo
Alves Álvarez, Pana Alejandro
Arroyo Fernández, Mª Jesús
Avramchenko Avramchenko, Kristina
Barruso Castillo, Begoña
Benayas Del Álamo, Juan José
Blanco Estévez, Adrián
Cabello Muñoz, Monserrat
Cáceres Ruiz, Juan Ignacio
Calderón Patier, Carmen
Calvo Bernardino, Antonio
Calvo Palomino, Antonio
Galiano Sevilla, Marta
Gómez Tembleque Romillo, Marta
Grijalba Ruíz, Ernesto
Guivernau Molina, Albert
Hurtado Ocaña, Inmaculada
Lara Hernández, Teresa María
Larrú Ramos, Jose María
Lima Pinilla, Isabel
López Calzada, Álvaro
López-Linares Zubiaur, Miguel
Maneiro Jurjo, José Manuel
Martínez Cantero, Enrique
Mingorance Arnaiz, Ana Cristina
Montoya Pérez, Alejandro
Morillas Gómez-Cascajares, Javier
Pampillón Olmedo, Rafael
Parejo Gámir, José Alberto
Rey Paredes, Virginia
Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Marcos
Rodríguez Ilarraz, Clara
Rodríguez Luengo, Javier
Sanz Blanco, Jaime
Sanz-Magallón Rezusta, Gonzalo
Área - Fundamentos del Análisis Económico
Algarra Paredes, Ángel
Baanante Gismero, Almudena
Blasco Torrejón, Begoña
Mirete Ferrer, Pedro Manuel
Ortega Tierra, Manuel Jesús
Paúl Gutiérrez, Jesús
Piqueras Fontaneda, Tomás
Plaza Martínez, Ricardo
Unamuno Hierro, Julián de
Área - Historia e Instituciones Económicas
Benayas Del Álamo, Juan José
Blanco González, María
de la Fuente Núñez, Rubén
Diaz Vera, Alfonso
Fernández Sánchez, Pedro
Gomendio Landín, Inés
Núñez Cabezón, Tomás
Sánchez Alonso, Blanca

Business Economics

The Department of Business Economics of the School of Economics and Business at Universidad CEU San Pablo is made up of lecturers specialising in the following functional areas of business or teaching subjects: Business Management and Organisation, Business Strategy, Human Resources, Business Ethics, Finance, Financial Market Analysis, Accounting, Accounting Information Analysis, Commercial Management and Direction, Marketing and Market Research.

These subjects are assigned to three Knowledge Areas of the Department:

  • Financial economics and accountancy (Dr. Ricardo Palomo Zurdo)
  • Commercialisation and Marketing (Dr. Juan Carlos García Villalobos)
  • Business Organisation (Dra. Cristina Isabel Dopacio).

Director del Departamento de Dirección de Negocios

Dr. Enrique Rúa Alonso de Corrales

Secretary of the Department of Business Economics

Ms. Nuria Villar Fernández

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The Interfaculty Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics is made up of five areas of knowledge:

  • Statistics and Operations Research in Computer Science.
  • Computer Languages and Systems.
  • Applied Mathematics.
  • Didactics of Mathematics.
  • Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business.

The subjects belonging to the Department have a strong quantitative character oriented towards the specific needs of the faculties in which it is taught.

Pablo Arés Gastesi

Director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Intelligence, Bachelor’s Degree in Business Intelligence+Business Administration and Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Business Intelligence+ ECO (Finance) Bachelor’s Degree in Business Intelligence+ Digital Communication

Dr. Mr. Pablo Arés Gastesi

Directora del Departamento de Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos

Dra. Dña. María Clara de Lacy Pérez de los Cobos

Secretario del Departamento de Matemáticas y Ciencias de Datos

Dr. D. José Enrique Blanco Durango