Sports lover from an early age, combining individual sports such as tennis and mountain biking, with team sports such as football and basketball. In his youth, he started practicing other sports such as paddle tennis, snowboarding and hiking.
Since he obtained his Grado Superior de Técnico en actividad física y animación deportiva (Higher Education in Physical Activity and Sports Animation Trainer), he combines sports as a hobby and work.
From that moment, he trained with the Federación Madrileña de Pádel (Madrid Paddle Tennis Federation) and the Federación Madrileña de Tenis (Madrid Tennis Federation). Later on, he also trained with the Real Federación Española de Tenis (Spanish Royal Tennis Federation), la Federación Española de Pádel (Spanish Paddle Tennis Federation) and the Asociación Madrileña de Pickleball (Madrid Pickleball Association).
Currently he is fond of racquet sports such as paddle tennis, tennis and pickleball, and he alternates them with mountain cycling, snowboarding and hiking depending on the time of the year.