Campus life
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Campus Life

Pastoral and Volunteering


We welcome the Universidad San Pablo CEU community to our Pastoral website.  
We want you to know all the services we provide and tell you that our door is always open.  
It is open to celebrate the daily Eucharist and the sacrament of Reconciliation when necessary... open to hold forums, talks, seminars, conferences and meetings, seeking dialogue between Faith and Culture. It is also open for trips and pilgrimages, and to spread God´s Good News through social media.  
An open door, that will allow us to accompany you on your journey of sharing and faith in Jesus. 

We also want to be a helping hand that is always ready to assist anyone who needs it. The pastoral offices in all Schools of San Pablo CEU are always waiting for your visit, because these can also be home. The chaplain, the pastoral team and the volunteers, are your family at Universidad CEU San Pablo, come visit us whenever you like. 
Due to the characteristics of the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas, we invite you to be trained to put yourself at the service of society and to transform it. In this globalised world, where it seems that any idea or reality are essential, this is a great challenge. In fact, these are nothing more than passing trends on Twitter or Facebook, which will soon be abandoned for another new tweet, another new idea or another new changing reality. 
Jesus is our rock; we want to build strongly and walk with you along the way. That is the reason for our joy.   

Moncloa Campus

Schools of Law and Economics and Business

Facultades de Derecho, Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

P. Isidro Molina Morales

Julián Romea, 23/ 28003 Madrid Tel: 91 456 63 00 Ext. 5352

School of Humanities and Communication Sciences

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Comunicación

P. Jesús Zurita Núñez

Presiding Deacon

Pres. José Ignacio Urquijo Valdivielso

Montepríncipe Campus

Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine and Institute of Technology

Pr. Roberto Rey Juárez

Facultades de Farmacia, Medicina y Escuela Politécnica Superior

Pr. Daniel Rojo Fernández

Mass hours

Moncloa Campus:
  • Time: 12.00 h. 
  • First Thursdays of the month at 13.15 h. mass and eucharistic adoration. 
Montepríncipe Campus:
  • Time: 12.30 h. 
  • Institute of Technology Chapel

Campus de Moncloa


Law School:

  • Mondays at 13.00 h. in the Chapel.

School of Humanities and Communication Sciences:

  • First Thursday of the month.  



School of Economics and Business:

  • Every day from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. in the pastoral office. 

School of Humanities and Communication Sciences:

  • Mon-Thurs-Fri from 11.00 h. in the pastoral office.

Law School:

  • Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., in the pastoral office.



School of Economics and Business:

  • Every other Wednesday at 13.00 h.

School of Humanities and Communication Sciences:

  • Fridays at 14.00 h.

Law School: 

  • Students: weekly, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 14.00 to 15.30. 
  • Professors: fortnightly. 



School of Humanities and Communication Sciences:

  • Half an hour before mass in the chapel or at any time (contacting the chaplain in advance).



School of Humanities and Communication Sciences: 

  • Thursdays from 14.00 h. to 16.00 h. 

For more information about any activity, please contact your School chaplain. 

Campus de Montepríncipe

  • Thursdays from 13.00 h. to 13.30 h. in the Institute of Technology chapel.  
  • No specific day (contact the chaplain). 
  • No day (to be announced). 
  • Institute of Technology: half an hour before the Eucharist. Please ask the chaplain.  
  • School of Pharmacy:  Tuesdays from 14.30 h. to 16.30 h. in the office 
  • Please contact the chaplain. 

For more information about any activity, please contact your School chaplain.

Chapel's photo gallery



The goal of Volunteering, Solidarity and Development Cooperation CEU is to promote, channel and coordinate social volunteering tasks and social and development cooperation projects, in collaboration with university community members. Its end goal is to help people who face situations of vulnerability, need, poverty and/or social marginalisation.

With its contribution, it takes over one of the aims enclosed in the Statutes of Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU: the creation of a fairer and more fraternal society through the service for the common good. 

We, at University, also feel called to alleviate hunger in the world, to fight injustice and to create a true culture of solidarity. With particular actions in favour of people in need and developing countries and, specially, by providing our students with a well-rounded education that will lead them to commit to society in all its spheres.

Students in Universidad CEU San Pablo are encouraged to take part in specific actions and community projects which aim to improve people's lives, growing in generosity and the ability to face the challenges of life. 

Volunteering with kids

In Correctional Facilities

  • Leisure programmes for kids aged between 0 and 3 years whose mothers are serving a sentence.
    Hours: Every other weekend (Saturdays from 10 to 17h)

In Centres for Children with Special Needs - Learning Disability

  • Leisure programmes for kids with learning disability.
    Hours: Every other weekend (morning or afternoon, from 2 to 3 hours per week)

In Maternity Houses

  • Different support and assistance activities in Foster Houses, where children live with their mothers.
  • Centre for single mothers going through pregnancy or with babies. Support in workshops and nursery.
    Hours: According to the Centre's needs (weekly, two hours)

Community homes

  • Different academic support classes, and sport and leisure activities: arts and crafts workshops, personal hygiene workshops, etc.
    Hours: Two hours per week in Cáritas Centro de Educación a Menores (CEM).
  • Academic support and workshops aimed at the integration of underage Immigrants with learning difficulties (Formation of values, social skills and innovative activities to educate in affectivity, educational games, film discussion forums, etc.)          Hours: Between 2 and 3 hours, one day per week, from Monday to Friday (Aula Intercultural “Aprender Juntos” project)

Community of Madrid and Ciudad de San Fernando Schools

  • Personal assistance to kids aged between 8 and 12 years, specially migrant children, with educational underachievement. Sport, leisure, academic support, values learning in English, etc.
    Hours: Every other Saturday morning (2 hours)

Foster Care

  • Foster care for kids aged between 4 and 14 years at risk of sheer abandonment. They are provided with academic support, leisure workshops, psychological guidance, speech therapist and any other service they may need. 
    Hours: One day per week, from Monday to Friday (2 hours)

Missionaries of Charity Houses

  • Academic support and tutoring classes in Missionaries of Charity's house in Vallecas.
    Hours: One day per week, from Monday to Friday (2 hours)

With elderly and/or ill people

In Nursing Homes 

  • Accompanying older people who are alone or abandoned in nursing homes (Pozuelo, Las Rozas, Alcobendas, San Sebastián de los Reyes, and many more).
  • Accompaniment, leisure activities, walks and workshops inside and outside the nursing home supervised by professionals from the Centre.
    Hours: Two hours per week, according to the Centre's needs.

In Hospitals

  • Accompaniment of hospitalised patients who are alone, and substitution of relatives. 
  • Guide-accompanying tasks, providing information in outpatient appointments.
  • Cooperate in the humanisation of the emergency department, by accompanying and providing information.
    Hours: Two hours per week.

In the Missionaries of Charity's House

  • Accompaniment and support tasks in the Missionaries of Charity's House, in Ermita de Santo (Madrid) 
    Hours: flexible, according to the Centre's needs.

With homeless and/or immigrants

In Soup Kitchens

  • Assisting in preparation, waiting tables and clearing up for lunches or dinners.
    Hours: Weekly (mornings and weekends)
  • Solidary Breakfast (“Desayunos en Atocha” Programme).
    Hours: Sundays from 8 to 12h.

In Centres for Accompaniment

  • Accompaniment, leisure activities and assistance in small tasks.
    Hours: Saturday and Sunday mornings  (2 hours per week)
  • Social integration and work placement programmes through accompaniment and support in tasks. Older profile.
    Hours: Depending on the centre.

In Centro Municipal de Acogida (Local Foster Care Centre) and Foundations

  • Accompaniment to assist them in the reintegration process. Walks, conversations, Centre's leisure activities, etc.
    Hours: A day per week, from Monday to Sunday (morning or afternoon).
  • Literacy programmes for immigrants, Spanish as a foreign language programmes and support in auto-learning classes. 
    Hours: Minimum trimestral commitment. Two hours, from Monday to Friday (morning or afternoon) 

In Rutas de Reparto de Bocadillos ('Solidary Sandwich Delivery Route')

  • Preparation and distribution of sandwiches and drinks in the streets of Madrid, providing them with company, and showing care and respect.
    Hours: From 20:30h in the afternoon.
  • Recogida y reparto de alimentos para familias sin recursos. 
  • Rutas de bocatas en las calles de Madrid.
  • Acompañamiento en centros de acogida. 
  • Comedores sociales.
  • Apoyo al empleo. 
  • Salidas de ocio inclusivo. 
  • Salidas de ocio con menores y jóvenes (parálisis cerebral). 
  • Acompañamiento a enfermos en hospitales. 
  • Ocio y acompañamiento con menores hospitalizados. 
  • Apoyo en hospitales. 
  • Apoyo a personas en proceso de rehabilitación. 
  • Actividades lúdicas y de valores.

Who are we?

Imagen Makeni - quiénes somos

Who are we?

We are a multidisciplinar University Development Cooperation group, made up by teachers and students of Universidad CEU San Pablo, with the collaboration of external volunteers. The group nowadays features individuals from the School of Medicine, Architecture, Pharmacy, Economics, Law, Communication and Humanities. Its participative, open and flexible calling encourages students' involvement, which is an essential element. The group began in 2009 in the CEU Pastoral and Volunteering Service, with the support of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation since 2014.

Mission and methodology

Imagen de Makeni - Misión y Metodología 01

Mission and methodology

This project was created with the mission to strengthen both educational capacities of University of Makeni (UNIMAK), as well as educational and solidarity capacities of Universidad San Pablo CEU. Thus, its essential goal is to improve the living conditions in developing countries from a comprehensive and transversal approach, using the University as a cooperative channel. It is a collaboration project between both USP CEU and UNIMAK, resulting in various trips, initiatives and plans. Overall, this project seeks to ensure the continuity of their existing relationships, in terms of on-going funded projects, and other related matters which have been developed in the different schools.

This inter-university cooperation project is strengthen by the 'CEU-UNIMARK Seedings'. Seedings are joint working groups which aim to reinforce the relationship and communication between people and the institutions. They seek to support UNIMAK students with financial difficulties. This support is carried through the reduction of their annual tuition fees, based on the actions that students have developed and can certify. Each Seeding has its own working groups, with new previously selected students every year. The project's methodology focuses on solidary learning. Students and teachers jointly lead a proposal with an educational and solidary purpose. Its aim is to meet the community's needs and design the curricular content in a well-rounded way.


History and context

Sierra Leone, located in West Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world. Diamond extraction is the main source of income. Internal peace and foreign aid play an essential and decisive roll in the development of the country. This development slowed down between 2014 and 2016 due to the Ebola outbreak. This epidemic resulted in the death of four thousand Sierra Leoneans. Makeni is the largest city in the Northem Province of Sierra Leone and the fifth largest city in the country, by population. It is also the capital and the economic centre of the Bombali District. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Makeni played a significant role in the development of the city. They realised the poor conditions the population were facing: widespread illiteracy, extreme poverty, endemic diseases... and so they commited to improve Makeni's standards of life.

Makeni's hopes lay in the education and training of future professionals. That's why University of Makeni (UNIMAK) is crucial for the development of the city, the region and the country. Authorised in 2009, it is the only private university in the Northem Province in Sierra Leone. With its situation and history in mind, USP CEU volunteers wanted to contribute by doing their bit. Since the signing of the cooperation agreement in 2009 between USP CEU and UNIMAK, along with the collaboration of the Diocese of Makeni; ten years of uninterrupted collaboration have been flourishing. The project, winner of multiple awards such as the 'ICUSTA FUND, 2017', has involved working groups to develop countless educational and humanitarian initiatives. Over the years, many students and teachers have developed and tutored practical exercises and final year research papers focused on finding solutions to improve life in Sierra Leone.


Photo Gallery

  • Imagen de Makeni - Misión y Metodología 01
  • Imagen de Makeni - Misión y Metodología 02
  • Imagen Makeni - quiénes somos
  • Imagen de Makeni - Historia y Contexto 01
  • Imagen de Makeni - Historia y Contexto 02
  • Foto de Sierra Leona Makeni
  • Foto Sierra Leona 2
  • Foto Sierra Leona 03