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Radioactive Unit (SAI-UR)

Radioactive Unit (SAI-UR)

Red de laboratorios de la Universidad San Pablo CEU

Nº de registro: 16


Dr. Carlos Bocos de Prada y Dr. Javier Manrique Rosel


Building A

Laboratory of Ionizing Radiation and Spectroscopy

USP CEU Campus Monteprincipe                                                                         


Maria Isabel Panadero Antón 

Santiago Angulo Díaz-Parreño


Teléfono: 91 3724700 Ext 15279 o Ext 15260


Irradiation at low doses of samples by gamma radiation (source of Co-60) and X-rya (70 kVp).

Calibration of gamma radiation detectors (Co-60 energies).

Obtention of gamma radiation spectrum (Ge detector) of client’s samples.

Support and advisory of instrumentation and measure: assessment and optimisation of measurement systems, equipment renting, shielding calculations, software, etc.

Use of laboratory resources: the interested person will be able to use, accompanied by some member of the unit, the laboratory resources.

Collaborations in projects and participation in specialised training on radiation protection.


Irradiation of samples. Gamma radiation and spectrometry monitors calibration

Source of Co-60 (5 mC), low doses sources for calibration (Ra-226, Cs-137, C-14…), X-Ray Generator (70 KVp).

Gamma spectrometer (Ortec germanium detector),

Gamma radiation calibrated mediator (brand: Victoreen), beta (brand: Eberline) and X-Ray (brand: Unfors).

Instrumentation and Measurement Support:

Optical instrumentation (Banks, polarizers, prisms, lasers, lamps, calibrated tungsten lamp).

Electronic instrumentation (analogical and digital oscilloscopes, multimeters, power supplies, function generators).

Measuring Instrumentation of ionizing radiations (gamma, beta, X-ray)
