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Cell Culture Unit (SAI-UCC)

Cell Culture Unit (SAI-UCC)

Red de laboratorios de la Universidad San Pablo CEU

Nº de registro: 14


Dra. Carolina Hurtado Marcos


Urbanización Montepríncipe s/n

School of Pharmacy

Building A

Floor -1



Sergio Llorens Berzosa (Laboratory Technician)                        


Teléfono: 913724700


Laboratory of cultures with the appropriate infrastructure for general methods of cell culture:

Eukaryotes Cell Culture (mammal/insect).

Protozoa Cultures (P2 Safety level).

Virus Cultures (P2 safety level).

Preparation of Cultures and Supplements Media.

Sterilisation process of media and solids/ Autoclave.

Realisation of aliquots of reagents (Serum decompletion)

Cryopreservation of Cell lines, samples and strains in N2 liquid

Freezing, unfreezing and maintenance of cell lines.

Mycoplasma contamination Diagnosis tests/Treatment for elimination and prevention.

Maintenance of mediators and reagents in Chambers at -4ºC, -20ºC and -80ºC.



Nikon Microscopes of brightfield and phase contrast microscopes. Microphotography.

Cell culture hoods. Biological Safety Type II (Faster BHA-3 ®).

Cell culture incubators at different temperatures (Controltecnia, Heracell ®).

Cell culture incubators of different CO2 percentages, at different temperatures (Controltecnia, Heracell ®).

Biosafety centrifuges with autoclavable baskets (Multifuge 3SR+Heraeus ®).

Microcentrifuges (Biofuge primo R ®, Heraeus ®).

Thermostatised baths, heating plates, Vortex Shakers, Phmetros scales.

4ºC Refrigarators and -20ºC and -80ºC Freezers.

Purification of SpanO, MiliRo and MiliQ.

N2 Liquid Tank.

Miele Autoclaves, Oven and Thermal desinfector Unit.
