Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SAI-RMN)
Nº de registro: 10
Dr. Javier Pérez Castells
Universidad San Pablo CEU, Campus de Montepríncipe School of Pharmacy, Building A basement; Carretera de Boadilla del Monte km 5,3
Teléfono: 913724700
Email: [email protected]
Performance of the most common NMR spectra: proton, 13-carbon, 15-nitrogen, and phosphorus as well as the most rutinary 2D experiments. The spectrums done in automatic format are sent to the user or client in a few hours.
Spectrum performance manually, selecting specific parameters.
Interpretation of the results obtained by the group specialists.
Bruker Avance-400MHz with QNP probe, variable temperature, and 16-tube autosampler