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Experimental Pharmacology (SAI-SFT)/Laboratory of Pharmacology

Experimental Pharmacology (SAI-SFT)/Laboratory of Pharmacology

Red de laboratorios de la Universidad San Pablo CEU

Nº de registro: 12


Dra. Lidia Morales Goyanes


USP CEU CAMPUS MONTEPRINCIPE, SCHOOL OF PHARMACY. Building B. 1st Floor. Pharmacology Laboratories 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17



Dr. Mariano Ruiz,

Dra. Carmen Pérez,

Dr. Gonzalo Herradón,

Dra. Beatriz Merino,

Dra. Victoria Cano,

Dra. Esther Gramaje,

Dra. Beatriz Somoza,

Dra. Marta Gil                                          


Teléfono: Telf.: 913724700. Ext.: 15283


General Pharmacological methods (Irwin test and similar ones on rats and mice; radioligand binding test; protein analysis and characterisation by Western-Blot; enzymatic activities test).

Proteomics (massive analysis of the differential expression of proteins in organs and fluids; study of the expression of phosphoproteins).

Pharmacology of the peripheral nervous system (local anaesthesia on rabbits).

Pharmacology of the central nervous system (drugs effects on learning and memory; brain microdyalisis; primary nerve tissue cultures of rats; immunohistochemistry; recording of extracellular synaptic potentials in slices of nerve tissue).

Psychopharmacology (antidepressant activity; antipsychotic activity; antiparkinsonian drugs valuation; anxiolytic activity; tolerance and dependence ‘in vivo’ and ‘ex vivo’; addictive potential; learning and memory tests).

Pharmacology of pain and inflammation (analgesia tests with thermal stimulation; tolerance to opioid analgesic effect; oedema induced by carrageenan and trauma; granuloma induced by pellet implantation in the rat; induced arthritis, etc.).

Gastrointestinal pharmacology (gastric emptying; intestinal transit; contractile activity; gastric acid and pepsin secretion; anti-ulcer activity; intestinal absorption).

Cardiovascular pharmacology (haemodynamic parameters in the rat; capillary permeability in the mouse; determination of vascular function in isolated arteries).

Renal pharmacology (proteinuria and creatinine lightening in the rat and diuretic activity).

Metabolism (Hypolipidemic activity; hypoglycaemic activity; plasmatic biochemistry; induced obesity models; enzymatic activities; resistance to leptin tests; cycle of glutation).

Immunology (allergen sensitisation; autoimmune models).

Ocular pharmacology (intraocular pressure assessment, mydriatic and miotic activity).


General Pharmacology Equipment.

Proteomics (Protean IEF Cell" isoelectrofocus source; "Protean Plus Dodeca Cell" two-dimensional electrophoresis cuvette; Dodeca Stainer" automatic gel stainer: 12 gels can be stained at the same time; PD-Quest 8.0.1 image analysis software).

Equipment of electrophysiology ‘in vitro’ of extracellular recording.

Pharmacology ‘in vitro’ (organ baths with stimulation; force and pressure transducers; microplate incubator; microplate incubator; microplate reader).

Neuropsychopharmacology (site-preferential conditioning box; passive avoidance boxes; rat and mouse object recognition boxes; elevated cross maze; Y-maze, etc.).

Neuropsicofarmacología (caja de condicionamiento preferencial al sitio; cajas de evitación pasiva; cajas para el reconocimiento de objetos de rata y de ratón; laberinto elevado en cruz; laberinto en “Y”, etc).

Analgesia and inflammation (hot plate; tail-flick; Randall-Selitto; stimulators; plethysmometer).

Cardiovascular pharmacology (pressure and ECG transducers; digital system for recording and analysing cardiovascular parameters; bloodless blood pressure meter).

Ocular Pharmacology (tonometer).
