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Unit for the Metabolism and Body Composition Analysis (SAI-UD. METAB)

Unit for the Metabolism and Body Composition Analysis (SAI-UD. METAB)

Red de laboratorios de la Universidad San Pablo CEU

Nº de registro: 15


Dra. Natalia Ubeda Martin





Teléfono: 913724700


The Unit for the Metabolism and Body Composition Analysis is a unit equipped to catty out research projects that precise a nutritional state evaluation, form a comprehensive and holistic perspective.

This is the reason why, tests related to the assessment of energy balance, macro and macronutrients intake, biochemicals parameters analysis and body composition, are offered to healthy or ill communities.

The unit is equipped with fixed and mobile tools for the conduction of in-laboratory or field studies.

The evaluation of the nutritional state is essential in the research on health determinants, and it is especially relevant in research studies related to the practice of physical and sports activities. Knowledge on this issue allows for:

  • Identifying the risk level of an excess or lack in the fat compartment (obesity or malnutrition)
  • Monitoring the changes associated to certain diseases in body compartments
  • Identifying groups of risks according to the insufficient or excessive intake of nutrients and optimising the same one for the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Making Dietary physical activity Recommendations and evaluating their efficiency.
  • Evaluating the impact of new food products
  • Estimating the healthy wight and adequate composition for every sport and the level of sports practice.
  • Monitoring the growth, development, maturation, and changes related to ageing.




. Equipment for the analysis of body composition

  • Plethysmograph for air travelling (BODPOD®)
  • Bi-frequency electrical biompedance (50-100 mHZ)
  • Ultrasound Bone Densitometry (Sahara Model, Hologic)
  • Infrared-Ray Interactance (Futrex® 6100)
  • Material for anthropometry: plicometers, pachymeters, anthropometric tapes, anthropometers, stadiometers, digital scale (policometers, pachymeters and anthrpometric tapes).

 The Unit has the potential service of 2 anthropometrists with the ISAK level 3 international accreditation, and with a level 2 ISAK accredited anthropometrist.

  1. Analysis of the Energy Expense
  • Oxycom Delta Jaegger© Metabolimeter
  • Cycloergometer for exercise metabolism analysis
  • Accelerometers (Actigraph©)
  • Pedometers (Omron©)
  1. Analysis of the Diet
  • Diet analysis software
  • Scales for diet study by double weighing recording technique
  • The Unit has personnel specialised in the design of surveys and the use of software for the analysis of the dietary intake of societies with different physiological and pathological features.
  1. Analysis of Capillary Blood:
  • Calligari CR3000RH Autoanalyser
  • Includes screening for: oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, anaemia, liver tests.
