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Nutrition for life ('Nutrición para la vida')

Group: Nutrition for life ('Nutrición para la vida')

Acronym: NUV ("N4L")

Registry number: G20/5-06

School/Centre: Pharmacy


  • Varela Moreiras, Gregorio (Main researcher)
  • Partearroyo Cediel, Teresa
  • Montero Bravo, Ana María
  • Samaniego Vaesken, María de Lourdes
  • Puga Giménez de Azcárate, Ana María
  • Carretero Krug, Alejandra
  • Morais Moreno, Carmen

Research thematic areas:

  • Nutrition and metabolism
  • Nutrition within the life cycle
  • Assessment of the nutritional state in populations

UNESCO Code: 3206


Nutrition and Health, Nutritional Status, Nutrition and Metabolism, Nutrition and Life Cycle

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

Nutrition for Life Excellence Group ('Nutrición para la Vida') aims to improve people's lives during their life cycle, on the basis of a better diet and lifestyle, among other positive vital efforts.  It recognises the importance of an undeniable fact: eating is the activity we carry out more often during our lives. That is why it is essential to have the tools to make decissions based on scientific evidence and avoiding at the same time mistakes and myths that surround nutrition nowadays.

The Nutrition for Life Group believes it is essential to approach nutritional research from a multidisciplinar view, taking into account the latest EU recommendations, presented through the Farm to Fort Strategy. That us why it encourages a better knowledge about food, their properties, in a food chain increasingly complex, and for which consumers request transparency and quality.

Coherently, the Group is also interested in assessing the nutritional status of the population, which is still very rare, especially in vulnerable groups such as children or the elderly, with emerging or unresolved problems of great nutritional impact, and the molecular bases that could help to better understand and solve them. In short, the Group aims to help citizens achieve a healthy, satisfactory, social, sustainable diet for a better quality of life.


Contact: [email protected]