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Politics, culture and institutions in the Euro-Atlantic space: from modernity to postmodernity

Group: Politics, culture and institutions in the Euro-Atlantic space: from modernity to postmodernity

Acronym: POCUMAD

Registry number: G20/3-05



  • Jiménez Redondo, Juan Carlos (Main researcher)
  • Togores Sánchez, Luis Eugenio
  • Uribe Otalora, Ainhoa
  • Orella Martínez, José Luis
  • Cid Vázquez, Teresa
  • Diego González, Alvaro de
  • Baura Garcia, Eduardo
  • Ríos Sánchez, Nuria María

Research thematic areas:

  • Cultural chanche, political thinking and Political and Social Movements, Populism and identity radicalism
  • Influence of medieval political thinking in the conservative thinking
  • Contemporary, political, government and institutions history
  • Historia contemporánea, política, gobierno e instituciones

UNESCO Code: 550402, 550610, 550620, 590505, 5902


 Culture, Politics, Modernity, Postmodernism, Contemporary History

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

This research group is composed of a large number of Universidad CEU San Pablo Professors and professionals from renowned national and international research centres. From their respective fields of knowledge, History, Law, Political Science or International Relations, they address essential matters about the cultural change in current societies and the need to offer ideological and intellectual alternatives to the postmodernism crisis.

All the group members have a solid research experience within their respective fields, and have been collaborating for several years in the study of areas such as the evolution of Catholicism and the conservative thinking in a context of cultural change that started in the so-called Revolution of 1868. The international nature of the group ensures the high visibility of their contributions, taking part in the public debate, not only from the academic field but also through its participation in the media, seminars and workshops. 

Their activity focuses on scientifically defining the new surroundings that such liberal-conservative thinking has to face to have an impact on an increasingly secularised and changing society, where the cultural changes that followed the French 1868 have shaped an homogeneous cultural environment, that has become the dominant one and aims to become the only one.

The work carried out by many of the group members has allowed them to move forward in the knowledge of Spanish, European and American liberal-conservative thinking, both in terms of continuity factors that link together traditionalist and liberal conservatism views, and from a fundamental international perspective, that has not yet been dealt with at length. Therefore, this research group fits into a historical-graphical innovative and necessary activity plan, which places Universidad CEU San Pablo in the front line of Spanish and Euroatlantic Conservadurism studies.

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