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Heritage, Architecture and Landscape

Group: Heritage, Architecture and Landscape

Acronym: PAyP

Registry number: G20/6-03



  • Rodríguez Romero, Eva Juana (Main researcher)
  • Jiménez Alcalá, Benito
  • de Molina Rodríguez, Santiago
  • de Arana Aroca, María
  • González Truco, Iván
  • Santo-Tomás Muro, Rocío

Research thematic areas:

  • History of architecture, urbanism, the landscape and the garden
  • Architectonic heritage, history of construction and its application in restoration
  • Perceptive analysis of current and inherited landscapes

UNESCO Code: 6201/6201.02/6201.03/5506.01/5506.24/5404.01


History of Architecture and Urbanism, History of the Garden, Urban Landscape, Urban Form, Perceptive Analysis, History of Construction, Heritage

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The Heritage, Architecture and Landscape Research Group was created by four Architecture teachers of Universidad CEU San Pablo Institute of Technology in 2005. Throughout the years and in the different research projects carried out, 18 researchers, collaborators, and research assistants, as well as architects, historians, agricultural and landscapist engineers have participated. Currently, the group is composed of 11 researchers from four different Universities. The lead researcher is Dr. Eva J. Rodríguez Romero.

The projects carried out have been granted in public competitive calls and they focus on the history of landscape, urban landscape and urban form as the main elements, applying interdisciplinar methodologies and focusing on Madrid as the research laboratory. The publication of books and articles in specialised magazines, as well as the participation in international conferences are the Group's primary means of contribution to the scientific community of their research results. The Group teachers carry out specialised training work in heritage abd architectonic restoration, history of architecture and landscape, urban regeneration, etc. in different official Master and Doctoral programmes, as well as in the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture. Additionally, as a social contribution, the Group often takes part in dissemination, promotion and study activities in Madrid, such as learning itineraries in the Madrid Science Week and in organising the periodic Universidad CEU San Pablo 'Madrid Urban Landscape Conferences' ('Jornadas en Paisaje Urbano Madrileño'), to provide people, both general public and specialised professionals the research results (see

Contact: [email protected]

Exposición del grupo PAyP