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Parasitology and Molecular Immunology with biotechnological, diagnostic and therapeutic application.Parasitology and Molecular Immunology with biotechnological, diagnostic and therapeutic application

Group: Parasitology and Molecular Immunology with biotechnological, diagnostic and therapeutic application.Parasitology and Molecular Immunology with biotechnological, diagnostic and therapeutic application

Acronym: PARINM

Registry number: G20/5-09

School/Centre: PHARMACY


  • DEL AGUILA DE LA PUENTE, CARMEN (Main researcher)
  • Izquierdo Arias, Fernando
  • Hurtado Marcos, Carolina
  • Magnet Dávila, Angela
  • Ollero Baceiredo, Dolores
  • Vaccaro Muñoz, Lucianna
  • Fenoy Rodríguez, Soledad
  • Agudo Torres, Ruben (Investigador postdoctoral Ramón y Cajal )

Research thematic areas:

1.        Evaluation of the high amount of Acanthamoeba and other protozoa (Giardia, Cryptosporidium, etc.) in waters that human beings consume. Study and characterisation of Acanthamoeba vector role (Legionella, Pseudomonas, Mimivirus, etc.) in the acquisition of emerging pathologies. 

2.       Microsporidia and other patogens as risk factors in the development of autoimmune pathologies (Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn Disease) and Bowel Cancer.

3.      New diagnosis and treatment techniques based on the development of monoclonal antibodies, aptamers and directed evolution of proteins.

UNESCO Code: 240112 -320712- 320712- 2412 –241202- 241299


Parasitology, Immunology, Molecular Diagnosis, Emerging and Opportunistic Pathogens, Cancer, Autoimmunity, Evasion Mechanisms of the Immune System, Directed Evolution of Proteins, Monoclonal Antibodies

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

PARINM is a multidisciplinar research group led by specialists in emerging opportunistic phatogens, Immunology and Molecular Biology. Its main objective is to delve into the knowledge of pathogen-host relations to contribute to the diagnosis and treatment improvement of pathogens with a clear traslational orientation. That is why, from the university sphere, collaborations with different basic and clinical groups from national and international centres have been established. 

PARINM has a long research history with more than 20 years of work. It is sustained mainly by public competitive research projects in Health, as well as regional and international projects and from different private entities. 

It is a pioneer and reference group in the study of microsporidia and its implication in human and animal health in our country. Currently it develops three main lines of research related to different phatogens: 

1. Water as a phatogen transmission route of human interest (microsporidia, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, etc). Vector importance of Acanthamoeba in the transmission of phatogens through water (Legionella, Pseudomonas, Mimivirus, SARS- CoV 2…).

2. Microsporidia and other patogens as risk factors in the development of autoimmune pathologies (Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn Disease) and Bowel Cancer.

3. New diagnosis and treatment techniques based on the development of monoclonal antibodies, aptamers and high performance platforms for the filter of compounds with inhibitory activity in different phatogens (Microsporidia, Legionella, Zika virus y SARS-CoV 2).
