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Neuropharmacology of addictions and degenerative disorders

Group: Neuropharmacology of addictions and degenerative disorders


Registry number: G20/5-08

School/Centre: PHARMACY


  • Herradon Gil-Gallardo, Gonzalo (Main researcher)
  • Alguacil Merino, Luis Fernando
  • Del Campo Milán, Marta ( Investigadora postdoctoral Programa Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid. )
  • González Martín, Carmen
  • Gramage Caro, Esther
  • Pérez García, Carmen
  • Polanco Mora, María José
  • Galán Llario, Milagros
  • Vicente Rodríguez, Marta
  • Ovejero Benito, Carmen
  • López Rodríguez, Rosario
  • Martinez–Alesón García, Paloma

Research thematic areas:

  • Neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration 
  • Traslational research in Addictive Disorders 
  • Aging and dementia

UNESCO Code: 3209


Addictions, Neurodegeneration, Neuroinflammation

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The Neuropharmacology of addictions and degenerative disorders Group (NEUROFAN) carries out all the identification phases of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets in  illnesses of the central nervous system such as the addictive disorders or neurodegenerative diseases. It also carries out preclinical validation of new compounds with therapeutic potential.

In order to do that, the group's lines of research encompass the study of molecular mechanisms involved in drug dependencies and neurodegenerative diseases or those that invlove neurodegeneration such as alcoholism. A common mechanism in this type of pathologies is neuroinflammation, which, when chronic, aggravates neurodegenerative processes. It is therefore of great interest to study the mechanisms that trigger and perpetuate neuroinflammation. This has led the group to discover new targets in neuroinflammation and to study their pharmacological modulation as a new therapeutic strategy in multiple diseases that involve neuroinflammatory processes.

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Contact: [email protected]

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