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Modernisation of Private Law

Group: Modernisation of Private Law


Registry number: G20/1-04

School/Centre: LAW


  • Fernández González, Begoña (Main researcher)
  • Martín Jiménez, Rocío
  • Jarillo Gómez, Juan Luis
  • Albeleira Colao, Manuela
  • Maria Belen Rodrigo Lara
  • Medina Sánchez, Rosa
  • Hidalgo Cerezo, Alberto

Research thematic areas:

  • Review of the Spanish Inheritance system
  • Disability and social and judicial support measures
  • Modernisation of the working contract and of contracts in general

UNESCO Code: 560508


Interitance System, Working Contract, Disability

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

This research group aims to review essential matters for citizens. The research focuses on Privae Law, particularly on Civil and Labour Law and on Social Security.

The main scientific-technical contribution of the Research Group will be elaborating a judicial structure that, based on modifications and novelties that have been made in terms of contracts, inheritances and disability, explains and analyses the evolution of Law in this field from a transversal approach.

Regarding inheritance law, a legitimate modification for offspring must be asserted, by establishing a formal legitimacy (avoiding bypassing it) and reducing the sons’ legitimacy to half of their assets at most. In this way, the improvement would disappear, even if an unequal distribution among the sons happened. Also, it will be necessary to establish a special regime for minors and disabled people’s protection.  

Concerning support to those whose capacity has been judicially modified, support and accompanying policies to families who allow for the disability to offer more intense answers in relation to guidance, accompaniment and aid the inclusion of the disabled person begins at home.  

Regarding the contractual aspect, proposals for the adaptation of contractual law related to new society challenges, dynamisms and changes are aimed. One of the most outstanding features of this project in comparison to others that also deal with the evolution of cross-sectional contractual law, since it does not focus on common law contracts, but on contracts in the most extended sense, what exceeds civil law limits.

In terms of the plan for knowledge dissemination and transfer, the research results will be disseminated essentially by:

  • Publications (Work documents and monographs)
  • Semester Seminars
  • Congresses and Conferences

Contact: [email protected]