Group: Hypermedia micro-storytelling and other literary microforms. Aesthetic paradigm of the text-visual culture on the net
UNESCO Code: 6202; 620308; 620307; 3304
Micro-storytelling, Hypermediality, Intermediality, Visual Culture, Digital Humanities, Ontology
Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):
MiRed will focus its research on several thematic cores: the semiotics of the micro-story and contemporary short literature and the relations of microfiction and short text-visual forms with myth and popular tradition; the processes of creation and reception of digital microfiction from the point of view of cultural rhetoric and through the tools of analysis that this provides.
We will study the concept of the metaphorical engine as the backbone of the interdiscursive and intersemiotic relations existing between photography and the micro-story and between autobiographical writing, the blog and minifiction.
We will analyse the web as a paradigm of narrative creation (the spaces of generic indeterminacy between books of micro-stories and highly fragmentary narrative structures). We will look at the theoretical challenges, the confluences, mutations and hybridisations, that is, the artistic practices of interdiscusivity, intermediality and transmediality observed in the network; and the new channels of dissemination and cultural canonisation; innovative models of reception; writing in social networks and authorial identity.
Likewise, within the field of digital Humanities and digital culture, we will focus on the application of computer technologies to research into literary microtextualities and their interrelations with other artistic expressions in the digital ecosystem. We will analyse the changes that the incorporation into the digital world introduces in the processes of creation and reception of micro-storytelling and minifiction, and will have an impact on both the advancement of knowledge in the field of digital humanities (HD) and its social repercussions in the educational environment.
Contact: [email protected]