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The language of colour in the Bible

Group: The language of colour in the Bible

Acronym: LECOBI

Registry number: G20/3-08



  • García Ureña, Lourdes (Main researcher)
  • García Cañete, Marta
  • Crilly Montague, Brian
  • Muro García Villalba, Blanca
  • Sarasola Rubia, Fatima

Research thematic areas:

  • Biblical studies and primitive Christian literature
  • Art and Architecture 
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UNESCO Code: 5705; 6299


Bible, Colour, Lexicography, Symbol, Art, European Culture

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The research group's object of study is the fusion of two matters of particular cultural relevance: colour, one of the main elements of the visual culture in which we live immersed; and the Bible, a key foundation of European culture which today, in some areas, is so little known. 

The research group has a markedly inter- and multidisciplinary character, requiring the participation of philologists from different fields, historians and art specialists. Its aim is to analyse the language of colour in biblical sources (Hebrew, Greek and Latin), as well as the symbolism that arises from it in order to show its influence on the artistic (pictorial, sculptural, architectural) and literary manifestations that emerged later, starting with early Christian literature.

The research carried out is being well received both internationally and nationally. We have been invited to present our research at the annual meeting of the Association pour l'Étude de la Littérature Apocryphe Chrétienne (2018) and to carry out several academic activities such as: the organisation of an annual workshop at the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS), a seminar at the School of Theology, Harvard University (2019); a course on the language of colour at the Aristotle University (Thessaloniki, Greece); various conferences at prestigious centres such as the CSIC (2019; 2016: https://youtu. be/BDDDK3al2p0A;), the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome 2019; 2018), the Pontifical Catholic University of Ponce (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ponce, Puerto Rico, 2019) and associations such as MESA- Middle East Studies Association (2017). 

We have also participated in conferences in different areas of knowledge such as: New Perspectives on the Book of Revelation (Leuven, 2016), 3rd International Congress on Visual Culture (Barcelona, 2017), XV Symposium of the Spanish Association of Hebrew and Jewish Studies (Asociación Española de Estudios Hebreos y Judíos, Tudela, 2017), Colour and Human Comfort. International Colour Association (AIC) Conference 2018 (Lisbon), XI International Conference of the Spanish Association of Cognitive Linguistics (Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva, Córdoba, 2018), Eighty-second International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America (North Canton, Ohaio, 2019), etc.

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Contact: [email protected]
