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Teaching Innovation and Leadership Methodologies Research Group

Group: Teaching Innovation and Leadership Methodologies Research Group

Acronym: GIMIDyL

Registry number: G20/6-04



  • Sanglier Contreras, Gaston (Main researcher)
  • Serrano Fernández, Inés
  • Iglesias Sanz, Carlos Miguel

Research thematic areas:

  • Educational Theory and Methodologies. Application of Transformational Leadership
  • Experimental, Social and Industrial Psychology
  • Assessment and Diagnoses in Teaching Innovation

UNESCO Code: 5801-5802-5803-6104-6105-6106-6109-6114


Teaching Innovation, Transformational Leadership, Higher Education

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

We are a recently created group that focuses on lines of research aimed at obtaining the maximum benefit for both teachers and students through studies on educational methodologies, transformational leadership and assessment and diagnostic studies applied to teaching innovation.

Their research objectives will focus on the study and promotion of new teaching methodologies (optimisation of class time, project-based learning, cooperative learning, gamification, problem-based learning, Design Thinking, thinking-based learning and competence-based learning) that are changing educational environments around the world, obtaining better academic results for students. Also, they will study their best applicability and the environment for obtaining better performance in the academic field. 

New teaching methodologies are changing educational environments around the world and improving student outcomes. We look at some of the key innovative models that teachers have forged and that every 21st century teacher needs to be aware of.

The development and study of effective leadership in the work performance of teachers through Transformational Leadership (TL) is one of our most important objectives, carried out in an increasingly demanding world. In this context, the need for teachers to assume a leadership role that allows them to transform their daily work is evident.

The improvement of educational contexts and teaching practice under the TL in order to achieve full development in the development of attitudes and values in students will have an impact on their future life in the company, community and country where they exercise their profession.

As a research group and as teachers, it is our obligation to reflect on what society we want, and to design assessments that are coherent with that society. However, standardised assessments that favour accountability maintain the status quo and the established social order. The teaching innovation that we want to research and analyse is geared towards assessments that are more equitable, focused on each student, their needs and their context, optimistic and positive, culturally sensitive, participatory and non-hierarchical, with an approach that intelligently combines the quantitative and the qualitative, and oriented towards learning. Thus, we believe it will help our students to be more critical, reflective and committed to society. It is in our hands to promote social change, and the assessment and the corresponding diagnosis, are among the most powerful tools to achieve it.  

The tutoring of research projects, dissertations and doctoral theses defined within the framework of the aforementioned matters are also objectives of the research group's members.

Contact: [email protected]

Sanglier Contreras, Gaston
Serrano Fernández, Inés