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Metabolic Regulation

Group: Metabolic Regulation


Registry number: G20/5-13

School/Centre: PHARMACY


  • Ramos Álvarez, María del Pilar (Main researcher)
  • Sevillano Fernández, Julio
  • Sánchez Alonso, María Gracia
  • Limones Cornejo, María
  • Haro García, María
  • Pita Santibáñez, Jimena
  • Terrados Aguado, Gloria
  • Hernández González, Aurora
  • León Espinosa, Gonzalo
  • Agúndez Llaca, Miriam
  • de la Fuente Luelmo, Eva

Research thematic areas:

  • Metabolic regulation in normal and pathological gestation
  • Metabolic regulation in obesity
  • Regulation of metabolism by insulin and its interconnection with the nervous system

UNESCO Code: 2302


Metabolism, Insulin, Gestation, Obesity, Diabetes

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

Insulin resistance is a feature of various physiological (pregnancy, ageing) or pathological conditions, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2DM) or metabolic syndrome. In recent years, lifestyle changes have contributed to an increase in the prevalence of pathologies associated with insulin resistance, and it is estimated that by 2025 the number of people with T2DM will reach 300 million. We therefore consider it of vital importance to characterise the causes, mechanisms and consequences of insulin resistance, an early event in the onset of diabetes. In this context, the Gestobes group is focused on the study of molecular mechanisms and intertissue communication in insulin resistance and their involvement in metabolism.

The development of insulin resistance, in which the close relationship between metabolism and the immune system (immunometabolism) plays an essential role, differs in time, rate and intensity depending on the affected tissue. Therefore, early identification of the organ of origin, physiological characterisation of the process and description of the underlying molecular mechanism are critical.

Based on the above, the group's objectives include the study of the main tissues involved in the control of glucose homeostasis (adipose and white brown tissue, liver, muscle, pancreas and brain), as well as their interaction and involvement in the development of insulin resistance. To achieve this, the group presents a variety of tools and models including cellular, animal and translational approaches, which will allow the development of insulin resistance to be analysed in different pathophysiological circumstances (ageing, gestation, obesity and diabetes). The knowledge generated will serve to identify therapeutic targets and/or early biomarkers, effective treatments and preventive methods against the pathology.


Twitter: @gestobes


Contact: [email protected]

Diagrama insulina