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Spain, cradle of journalism

Group: Spain, cradle of journalism

Acronym: ESCUR

Registry number: G20/3-01



  • Barreiro Gordillo, Cristina (Main researcher)
  • Bullón De Mendoza Y Gómez De Valugera, Alfonso
  • García Pinacho, Pilar
  • Abradelo De Usera, Mª Isabel
  • Beltrán Gandullo, Milagros
  • Pedrero Gonzalez, Amalia
  • Sánchez Martínez, Maria
  • Hernández Hernández, Carlos Gregorio
  • Caballo Méndez, Daniel
  • Izquierdo Álvarez, Sara

Research thematic areas:

  • History
  • Social Sciences
  • Comunication

UNESCO Code: 5504022, 550611,550699,55011, 540104, 540303


History, Journalism, Geography, New technologies, Philology, Turism, Geographic Information System (GIS)

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The group is made up of historians, journalists, philologists and geographers. With our research, we aim to prove that it was in the Iberian Peninsule where, as a result of the peninsular civil wars, Miguelist in Portugal and Carlist in Spain, we find the first war correspondent. The peninsula turned during the 1828 and 1840 period into the centre of journalists' informative attention due to the international nature of both conflicts. The journals showed special interests about this situation and the published information allows us to improve our knowledge on political and social aspects of that time.

Some of the journalists were sent by international newspapers, while others worked for national press. British Walton, Moore, Honan, Ivers, Mitchell, Derbyshire, Gruneisen y Stephens knitted a network of correspondents to cover the First Carlist War and provide media such as Times, Morning Post, Courier y Morning Herald with information. French and German correspondents also arrived to the peninsula. The research will allow to compare the different itineraries followed by correspondants and define routes in accordance with their interest.

It is expected that this result will have an impact not only in the university community, by bringing forward by almost twenty years the academically established date that places Russell, from theTimes, as the first war correspondent in Crimea 1854 - but also in the peninsular geographical environment in which these correspondents developed their work, implementing the humanistic weight on economic values derived from the projection of the Smart destinations

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