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Group: Ageing


Registry number: G20/4-01

School/Centre: MEDICINE


  • López Martínez, Javier (Main researcher)
  • Perez Rojo, Gema
  • Noriega Garcia, Cristina
  • Carretero Abellan, Mª Isabel
  • Velasco Vega, Cristina
  • Piñas Mesa, Antonio
  • Pablo Medrano Martínez

Research thematic areas:

  • Promoting good treatment of the elderly
  • Intergenerational relations. Assistants to dependent elderly people
  • Positive psychology, values and spirituality in the elderly

UNESCO Code: 610800


older people, good treatment, ageing  

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

Welcome to the information page of the Research Group on Ageing (GOOD OLD AGEING).  Our group, which was validated in 2020 as a Universidad CEU San Pablo Research Group is made up of 10 members, linked to the field of Psychology of Ageing.

 Through different lines of research, the group addresses the psychological problems of the elderly, their families and the professionals involved in their care. This research work is based on the development of assessment protocols with psychometric quality and on the design, application and evaluation of effective intervention programmes. Our ultimate goal is to deepen our knowledge of psychological reactions in old age (from the development of disorders to the consolidation of positive aspects). 

The research projects and research group's contracts are listed below: 

  1. Awareness raising and promotion of good practices in dealing with the elderly in institution.

    Lead researcher names: Javier López Martínez; Gema Pérez Rojo

    Number of researchers: 5

    Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project No.: PSI2016-79803-R)

    Start-finish date: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2020

  2. Good practices in working with the elderly in institutions

         Lead Researcher: Gema Perez Rojo

         Number of researchers: 5

         Funding entity: Universidad San Pablo CEU (Project No: FUSPBS-PPC01/2015)

         Start-Finish date: 20/04/2016 - 31/08/2018

     3. Social public interest in the construction of an old people's home from the  psychological-psychiatric, neurological and physical points of view.

         Research contract

         Number of researchers: 5

         Start-finish date: 01/01/2019 31/12/2019



Contact: [email protected]