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Digital divide and older adults

Group: Digital divide and older adults


Registry number: G20/3-03



  • Abad Alcalá, Leopoldo (Main researcher)
  • Sánchez Valle, Maria
  • Pretel Jiménez, Marile
  • Zapata Mariano, Marc
  • Jiménez Rodríguez, Gonzalo

Research thematic areas:

  • Digital divide
  • Seniors and ICT (social networks, Internet, e-government, e-commerce, etc.)
  • Media literacy

UNESCO Code: 560504; 590205; 590212; 590601; 591001; 6114


Seniors, ICT, Digital Divide, Media Literacy, E-inclusion

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The scientific trajectory of the Digital divide and older people group has focused on the relationships between older people and ICT, especially those relationships of a digital nature.

The work has been supported by the implementation of several research projects funded with public resources. The first, "Digital divide and the elderly: media literacy and e-inclusion (CSO 2012-36872)", addressed the training of older people in the field of ICT as a means of limiting the digital divide by promoting the e-inclusion of older people. Among its conclusions was the need for new methodological approaches in teaching ICT to this population group, establishing a series of recommendations on the design and delivery of courses on this subject for this population group. The following project, "Older people, e-commerce and e-administration: towards breaking the third digital divide (CSO2015-66746-R)", explored some of the aspects of this generational digital divide, specifically the use of e-commerce and e-administration by this population group, developing a series of recommendations to facilitate the possibilities offered by both e-commerce and e-administration for this sector of the population.

A coordinated project on digital vulnerability has also been developed, financed by Dirección General de Universidad de la Comunidad de Madrid (H2015/HUM-3434), which has addressed the situations of digital exclusion of the elderly and how to deal with them, of which phase 2 is currently being developed.

These projects have resulted in publications in indexed journals with a high impact index and the presentation of papers and communications at various international conferences.


Contact: [email protected]

Grupo Brecha digital y mayores