UNESCO Code: 120300, 330400
Data Analysis, Physiological Parameter Analysis, Disability Assistance, Telemonitoring, Metabolite Annotation, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality
Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):
We are a multidisciplinary research group composed of mathematicians, physicists, computer, industrial and telecommunication engineers whose lines of research have the nexus of the application of information and communication technologies to life science problems. We have a long track record in the development of algorithms for processing physiological parameters, especially electrocardiograms (we can highlight the heart rate variability analysis tool RHRV http://rhrv.r-forge.r-project.org/), as well as in the acceleration of these algorithms using specific hardware (GPUs and FPGAs).
We are also working on the development of rehabilitation and disability support technologies, with special emphasis on upper and lower limb rehabilitation. The patients with whom we have the most experience are children with cerebral palsy, as well as elderly people who have suffered a hip fracture. More recently, we have started to apply virtual reality and augmented reality techniques to add a gamification component to rehabilitation, as well as to perform rehabilitation remotely.
Finally, in collaboration with CEMBIO, the Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis of Universidad CEU San Pablo, we have experience designing tools and strategies to support metabolite annotation. The result of this research is the CEU Mass Mediator tool (http://ceumass.eps.uspceu.es/).
Contact: [email protected]