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Urban agenda social challenges (AURS)

Group: Urban agenda social challenges (AURS)

Acronym: AURS

Registry number: G20/6-05



  • Ros García, Juan Manuel (Main researcher)
  • Perea Moreno, Luis
  • López Ramírez, Eduardo
  • Arana Giralt, Juan
  • Gutiérrez Corregidor, Samuel
  • Muro García-Villalba, Blanca
  • Sarasola Rubio, Fatima

Research thematic areas:

  • Cities and communities for a sustainable environment
  • Demographic crisis, refugees and social innovation
  • Informal city and basic livability

UNESCO Code: 620101;620103;3305.01;3305.14;3305.20;3308.01;3322.05


Land Use Planning, Migration, Vulnerability, Livability, Refugees, Rural depopulation, Ecological Deficit, Demographic Change, Climate Change, Resilience, Innovation

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The activities of the group focus on the real and transversal contemporary debate on cities, their essential role for the progress of society, studying their singularities in order to reinforce integral urban strategies and, potentially, to put them into practice.

In this way, the different factors involved in the emerging processes on urban transformation are related, with the aim of analysing a complex and dynamic reality, in which the demographic crisis, climate change, ecological deficit and the active promotion of health, are shown as the great current social challenges, decisive for the sustainability of the territory and the quality of life of its populations.

The recent research of the AURS group includes the definition of quantitative analysis tools that allow the parameterisation of the different livability variables related to the problem of socioeconomic and environmental imbalance, as set out in the Urban Agendas and the Sustainable Development Goals.

In this sense, we can identify innovative lines of applied research for the detection of inequalities in accordance with the 2030 Agenda, such as the comparative assessment between sensitive urban areas and certain vulnerable social profiles with the aim of subsequently facilitating decision-making in the public interest.

The result of the research represents an advance in the knowledge of the current urban debate with a multifocal character, establishing different degrees of satisfaction in urban values until reaching the maximum degree of ACTIVE territories.

The AURS Group defines the concept of ACTIVE territory as the recognition of the necessary conditions, within a given urban context, for the fulfillment of the global requirement of sustainable development.

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