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Architecture, efficient facilities

Group: Architecture, efficient facilities

Acronym: ARIE

Registry number: G20/6-06



  • Gonzalez Lezcano, Roberto Alonso (Main researcher)
  • Del Río, Jose Manuel
  • López Fernández, Eduardo José
  • Baeza Moyano, David
  • Aramburu Gaviola, Felix
  • Melero Tur, Sofía
  • Maciá Torregrosa, María Eugenia
  • Cantarero García, Guadalupe
  • Pérez Gutiérrez, Concepción
  • de Isidro Gordejuela, Federico

Research thematic areas:

  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Architecture
  • Indoor Air Quality and Efficient facilities
  • Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Optimisation  

UNESCO Code: 330506 330590 331304 330528 332908


Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality, Energy Saving, Indoor Environment Quality  

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

The AIRE research group proposes lines of research related to the Energy Optimisation of Building Facilities, as well as the Quality of the Indoor Environment and how this affects the health of its occupants. In order to maintain a Sustainable Architecture, the lines of work also consider the Efficient Management of Material Resources and Energy Consumption through the development of new technologies. 

Relevant activities of the research group:

  • Research on optimised air-conditioning equipment in the residential, services and industrial sectors. Optimisation of thermal installations for energy saving and analysis of the energy performance of installations.
  • Research on monitoring and control of energy consumption. Study of energy consumption habits. Analysis of energy consumption in real time and history in order to subsequently take the necessary measures aimed at greater energy efficiency and savings on electricity bills.
  • Research into efficient ventilation. Study of the parameters that include indoor air quality, the design of air conditioning systems, the conditions in which this system works and the presence of pollutant sources and their magnitude. Analysis of pollutants in concentrations above those that can damage health or cause discomfort to occupants.
  • Study and analysis of how to design buildings considering the environment, the efficiency of materials, indoor environment and the impact on nature and society. Analysis of the quality of the indoor environment (hygrothermal, acoustic and visual comfort) as affected by energy costs, and energy poverty. 

Contact: [email protected]