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Educational architecture

Group: Educational architecture

Acronym: AQED

Registry number: G20/6-01



  • Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Pablo (Main researcher)
  • Raventós Viñas, Teresa
  • Izquierdo Esteban, Sonia
  • Nieto del Rincón, Pedro Luis

Research thematic areas:

  • Educational architecture (rooms, buildings, venues)
  • University-City relations
  • Resilience in School Architecture
  • Educational and socially inclusive centres for disability

UNESCO Code: 6201


Architecture, Education, Campus-City, Innovation, Eudational Campus

Relevant characteristics of the research group (description of the group's activity):

'Educational Architecture (AQED)' research group ('Arquitectura Educativa, AQED') has a long history in terms of the Architecture-Education link. Pablo Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Lead Researcher of the Group, has been carrying out for decades now an uninterrupted work of exploration of spacial criteria and typologies called to provide quality and innovation in the 'Spaces of Knowledge'. This work has been reinforced by the progressive collaboration of different national and international researchers, forming a team with an interdisciplinary profile. The line of research focuses on the connections between the human dimension of educational processes (school and university) and the associated urban-architectural dimension, analysing in parallel the functional, sensory, psychological-perceptual and emotional consequences on the members of the community (students and teachers). The physical spaces are broken down into five basic scales: territory, city, campus, building and classroom. More specifically, the research efforts seek to find keys to optimisation and progress in the existing connections between teaching/learning modalities and physical spaces, with special emphasis on design guidelines to promote resilience in teaching complexes, both with respect to increasing overall quality and in the face of risky situations. As a recent derivative, a research field of high social sensitivity has been added: the treatment of educational processes and built places that promote the social inclusion of groups with disabilities (intellectual and visual) in educational facilities, looking into the humanistic keys that should govern the design of all this.


Contact: [email protected]

Grupo AQED