Innovation, Research, and Teaching Award | CEU San Pablo
For over two decades, CEU has recognised individuals from various fields who contribute to societal improvement, upholding the values of Christian…
CEU wins International ENIA Chair in AI | CEU San Pablo
Artificial Intelligence is not the future but the present. Predicting its medium-term evolution and the positive or negative impact it will have, both…
CEU et CGCOF | CEU San Pablo
The General Pharmaceutical Council (CGCOF) and Universidad CEU San Pablo have signed a collaboration agreement for the development of actions…
RANF-GSK PharmaCEUtical Innovation Award | CEU San Pablo
The Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (RANF) has presented the ' RANF-GSK Pharmaceutical Innovation Award ' to the Research Group ' Nutrigenomics and…
Social Construction: Future Insights | CEU San Pablo
Worker housing is the paradigm that illustrates the discourse of architecture and urbanism since the beginning of Modernity. With the aim of…
Flu alters the gut microbiota and its resistance to common antibiotics
A study coordinated by researchers from Universidad CEU San Pablo , from the Virology and Innate Immunity Groups (VII), and MICROAMB-Environmental…
90th anniversary of FUSPress | CEU San Pablo
Correos has unveiled a commemorative TUSELLO marking the 90th anniversary of the Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU , featuring a photograph of…
Farewell Day at Moncloa Campus | CEU San Pablo
The Aula Magna on the Moncloa campus of Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid has hosted the traditional Farewell Day , an event marking the end of the…
Meeting of EU.ACE universities | CEU San Pablo
During the 11th and 12th of December, rectors from 10 universities from all over Europe met in Brussels to formalize the creation of the EU.ACE…
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