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Welcome to 300 international students

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The second semester gets under way and, with it, 300 new international exchange students arrive in our classrooms, from more than twenty countries: Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, United States, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Taiwan and Uruguay.

To give a warm welcome to the incoming students who will be studying with us at our University, we held our traditional Welcome Day. This encounter, which took place online, was hosted by our Vice-Rector for Internationalization, Ainhoa ??Uribe, who conveyed her encouragement and support to the new students on "this day when you begin to learn to look at the world through the eyes of others; you get to know it and to experience it from a different point of view”.

The Vice-Rector also pointed out that "this is the day you begin to grow, learning to live in a multicultural environment, where we put aside our differences and offer the best of ourselves to everyone, no matter where we come from". She offered assurances that "CEU San Pablo University is going to help you on this new path, giving you all the support you need to make you feel at home".

During this Welcome event, the incoming students got to meet the International Mobility Office team and were introduced to the different activities offered at the University.

Palabras clave International exchange Incoming Movility Students Welcome Day