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Training for digital transformation

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The University and the technology consulting firm IZERTIS have signed a strategic agreement for the training of students from the Institute of Technology. As part of this partnership, the Aula CEU-IZERTIS has been inaugurated with the participation of the Vice-Rector for Students and University Life, Ángel Bartolomé, the manager, Carmen García de Elías, the director of the Institute, Santiago de Molina with his team; the coordinator of the Aula, Raúl Partido, and the Career Centre team. 

From IZERTIS, Julia García Hernández, Director of Talent and Recruitment, and Cristina Tuero, Director of Corporate Communication, accompanied Diego Gómez, Solution Architect QA, who delivered the first session to the students present at the inauguration of this space that contributes to generating a University-Business ecosystem and allows students to approach the world of work.

Palabras clave Aulas CEU-Business Employability IZERTIS Technology Consultancy Digitalisation