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Coral Barbas, in the top 100 researchers in Analytical Chemistry

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Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the CEU, Coral Barbas, is once again one of the most influential professionals in the world of Analytical Chemistry according to the American magazine 'The Analytical Scientist', whose latest issue features the background and research of the 100 leading scientists in the field. The professor is, alongside Alejandro Cifuentes, a Spanish researcher at the CSIC, the only Spanish scientist to appear in the ranking.

Coral Barbas emphasizes that "this is not only recognition of my career, but also the result of extensive work undertaken by a team – visibly represented by myself ". When asked in the publication about what advice she would give future researchers, Coral stressed putting "your life and your heart in everything you do, no matter how small it is. That is the only way to enjoy research”.

Coral Barbas directs the Center of Excellence in Metabolomics and Bioanalysis (CEMBIO) and the CEINDO International Doctoral School, which bring together the three CEU universities. Barbas is Doctor Honoris Causa at the Medical University of Bialystok (Poland) and recently held the International Award of the Belgian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) Her research area focuses on bioanalysis with the development of analytical methodology for biological studies and Metabolomics applied to the search for diagnostic and prognostic markers, and the effect of a treatment by mass spectrometry.

A graduate in Chemical Sciences, (specialising in Analytical Chemistry) at the Complutense University of Madrid and completing her PhD in Chemical Sciences at the same institution, Coral has been Marie Curie Researcher at Kings College London (2005-06) and Vice-Rector for Research at CEU San Pablo University from 2011 to 2014.

Palabras clave Coral Barbas CEINDO CEMBIO Analytical Chemistry Research